Hey chica! Yanno, I'm glad you posted this. Having Easter candy around... it's been DEADLY to me. I've learned I can walk by the bag, snag a few candycorns or M&Ms, and keep on truckin' to the next room. But, oh wait, I need something else in the other room. Gotta head back there. Oh, while I'm here, let me snag a couple more pieces. Back I go...
So yeah, being up and moving around while I clean, organize, and eventually begin boxing stuff up is great. But it takes me past the candy.... (which was bought for other people! not me!). I gotta get rid of this stuff. It's not doing me any good. I've been grazing more and more lately, and I noticed the other day that my blouse was a little tighter than it was when I bought it. And it's dry-clean only, so none of that "oh, it just shrank a little in the wash" self-talk nonsense!
I. Am. Terrified. (Hello? This is your brain calling. Time to wake up and smell the decaf coffee!)
So.... I'm going to have to take a peek at that grad board (thanks Lei! What would we do without you!!!). And now that Lean Cuisine isn't going to cut it for evening dinners (as I'll be cooking for 2 beginning next month), I've GOT to learn this meal-planning stuff! The timing of your post is great, Sharon, but I'm even happier (did I say happy? I'm frickin' ECSTATIC) to see that you're doing what you've got to do to STAY successful. You're such an inspiration to me, and, I'm going to be diving into the trenches right next to you! Count me in!

LOL Kathie!!! Glad I could help you out w/yer wakeup call!! We all need that sometimes. OKKKKKKKKKKKK, so I went to the meeting, and I have 13.5 lbs to go to get to my goal weight. They WERE NOT pleased to have me, as they want the bigger $$ makers like I used to be. HA!! The lady who weighed me asked............"And how tall are you?" The meeting lady, the big Kahuna, read over my paperwork carefully making sure I truely did meet the criteria to be there................I'm IN! LOL So very first thing, as I'm standing in line the girl in front of me weighs in, I'm like......................HANDS TO YOUR SIDES GIRLY!!! You don't hold your hands up cuz yer scared or whatever, adds to your weight, or so I've heard, so she loses 2.8lbs and it's all cuz of my help!!! LOLOL Then we were in the meeting talking about what triggers our bad eating habits. I'm like "WELLLLLLLLLLL PMS!!!" We decided all my flex points are going towards beer so I don't kill the hubby or kids in the next week!! Actually though, it was a great meeting, and I'm happily back on track!! Here's to losing 10lbs in the next week so I can really get em crabby!!! LOL OXOOXOOOXOOXO

Hi Sharon, I've wondered about this, for long term. Also I hear that the South Beach is really good for us. But I do know that it's something that I am going to have to be constantly aware of (gaining weight) which I know alot of people think is why you have WLS, so you don't have to worry anymore. But like my very good smart friend once told me, it just gives us a level playing field!!
Good luck, I'll be anxious to hear how you do. I always loved WW, I love 'programs'. Now, when you went, did you tell them you had had WLS? I just wonder if that makes a difference.