My First WLS Family Vacation - Sandbridge VA

(deactivated member)
on 4/10/06 9:46 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
As most of you know , Betsy, myself and the Ambrose's .. Dianna ( CappyMoon ) Cleve ( Husband ) And children embarked on a vacation weekend in Sandbridge VA . Dianna invited us along to share in the begining of her spring break . We arrived Friday - during the day where - Betsy and I had lunch with Leilani - went to dinner with our New WLS friends and danced the night away . Saturday was spent re-couping from the dancing .. eating good food !!! And walking on the beach .. Saturday night has to be the best " House Party " Ever .. The 4 of us got snokered .. no other way to put .. but we got lit .. danced .. talked .. ( Drank Terantulas-Thanks to Wendy G and her introduction of them to me ) We inticed Cleve to ride us on his shoulders.. all three of us managed to get his head between our legs !!!!! LOL LOL LOL and wear devil ears .. and put up with our happy arses .. Cleve .. I love you .. you are the best .. and your deer meat was delectible .. Thank you for bearing your soul and the stories you told me Sunday Night .. I am so glad you have Dianna now .. and she has you .. Today we spent the day at Kings Dominion. I had my first ever - true life skinny person amusment park ride . I rode the Drop Zone .. it goes WAAAAYYY up in the air .. then it drops you .. I swear I thought I was going to fly right thru the bars .. and again . Thanks to Dianna for taking me as it was bring a friend day and get in free .. and that was too freaking cool !!! Dianna ... thank you for being my earth sister .. I have so missed having a family in my life . Being divorced and living alone , takes a tole on me .. and I get lonley . You opened your heart and your vacation home to me and once again I felt loved and a part of something .. Your children are so lucky to have you as their mother .. I see you interacting with them and it shows me a different side of you that most do not see . Knowing you as Cappymoon .. I seen you this weekend as Moma Moon ... and it was refreshing .. and I love you for that .. So thank you for a wonderful - fun filled - tarantuala drinking .. drop zone riding , deer meet eating .. climbing on Cleve - up till 4 am WEEKEND .. Are we there yet ... Let's do it again .. soon ! Love ya, Tink
on 4/11/06 2:31 am - Northern, VA
Wow, girl, you hit on everything we did this weekend!! And it went too quickly for me.....Thank you for getting Betsy from the bus station, and getting her around to where she needed to be. I had more fun with you guys and my family than I have had in a long time, and I would like to plan something like this again for later in the summer, this was truly a treat!! As for the drop zone, there are only 2 people on this earth who would get me on that thing again, and there I was sandwiched between them!! I am afraid of heights and to be dropped like that just sends me into orbit!! I thought I would get off of it crying, but I held it together!! I cried a little waiting for everyone to be belted in, but got over it. Thank you for helping me just a little with my fear (I am still afraid of it though!!) Pictures will be posted when I get a few miuets to get them downloaded. I am taking my sister to Alexandria today to go to cpap class and get her machine (1 week before surgery, this is cutting it close!!) and I have a bad infection in my throat. I have an antibiotic and I want to go back to bed, but as always, life calls, so I shall answer. Talk to you later girl, had a blast with you!! Love you, Dianna
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