Good Ole Walmart
Fridays we have dress down day, Spirit Day, whatever we want to call it. We are encouraged to wear spirit clothing in school colors. Friday I put on one of my tennis team shirts(4 years old) the girls had designed and a pair of Denim & Co. stretch leggings with elastic waist (of course, what else?).
At the end of the day I realized I looked like the Bag Lady. I vowed right there on the tennis court to get SOMETHING that fit right NOW. I had a variety of things and sizes for the future, but not enough of anything to get me through a week of work now that the weather has changed to spring-like.
I went to Walmart (how can we live without it?) There I found 4 pair of britches, 2 16s and 2 14s; 5 tops, 3 18s, 1 16 and 1 14. If I weren't so self-conscious of my fat abdomen, the 18s would have been all 16s. I do not like clingy clothing on fat, though, so MY fat will remain loosely covered for the time being. These sizes are down from 26-28 (3X) tops and 1X pants. I am down 73 pounds.
I have plenty of heavy sweaters, and now I will have enough lighter pieces to get me through the warmer weather. My next sizable purchase will be in August for more work clothes--much smaller I trust
. Yes, I could have gone back to Goodwill, but I had reached the point that I wanted properly fitting clothing right NOW, not after 2 or 3 Goodwill trips during which I spend hours winnowing through racks and racks of clothing. Every spring, I teach and THEN spend 3 hours after school involved in tennis on a practice day. Match days I am gone until about 9 pm (unless in Bath Co. which keeps me out until 10). I am disinclined to stand at Goodwills for hours during my free time. So, HOORAY for Walmart!!
Now to get ready for my morning walk again. Yesterday my a.m. walk was cut short to 3 miles by the increasing rain. Hopefully I will get more in today.
Happy Losing, you all!!

Good for you!!!!
I agree with you and going to Walmart for some here and now stuff. I do plan to go to Goodwill soon to see if they have anything for the future. Sometimes they have really good stuff. But Walmart's stuff is still pretty inexpensive too! I can't wait to fit into some drastically smaller things!