TGIF - Senseless Questions!
Good morning.
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick?
I really like Emily, I always wanted a name you could do a nickname off of. Court from Courtney just isn't my favorite.
What kind of shower soap do you use?
Ivory, bar & Suave, body wash
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars?
Definitely on my nails.
What's some good advice given you?
I can't really think of any I like right now.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex?
lies & violence
Who in your family do you best get along with?
my step mother & mother
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it?
yes, horrible, he wore his hat at the table, belched during dinner, chewed with his mouth open & talked with his mouth full. We never spoke again after he dropped me off that night.
Two of your favorite books?
I don't really have any specific favorites.
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where?
one, green heart over my right breast
What is your occupation?
secretary for state government

Okay....Here's my answers:
TGIF - Senseless Questions:
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick?
Probably Kohl
What kind of shower soap do you use?
Irish Spring (Original)
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars?
First Tee
What's some good advice given you?
Don't sweat the small S##t.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex?
Insecurity and Jeolousy
Who in your family do you best get along with?
Big Sister
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it?
Yes. Didn't go well. Tried to tell me I couldn't smoke in my own vehicle. If she would've asked instead of telling me; it might've gone over better.
Two of your favorite books?
King of Torts (Grisham) Sum of All Fears (Clancy)
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where?
Yes, I have a Phoenix on my left shoulder.
What is your occupation?
Military Analyst

WOW - I really loved ALL of your answers!!!
Trust me, when I toss out some of the questions, it's cause I'm "trolling", the Favorite BOOKs, question! I love to read and would prefer that to falling asleep with the TV running. Im down to my last NEW book and even that one is half way done, so thanks to all of YOU, I have new ones to consider.
We have a LOT of common bonds - not just weight loss, obesity, regaining our health, all that wonderful warm and fuzzy stuff, but also things as simple as the type of SOAP's we use.
...when you add up the replies here and on the main board, Bath and Body, Irish Spring and Olay have to love the squeaky clean people of Virginia!
Btw - if ANY of you have pictures of your TATOOS online and can link them, PLEASE do, Id love to see them.
I already know Cathy A. won't be linking any, um, she won't even tell me/us what/where they are! hehehe, loved the reply though.
I have to run, just got off the phone with Natalie and Betsy, they're 15 minutes from the beach! Have a GREAT WEEKEND, friends, and I'll see a few of you tonight, can't wait.

If you could choose your own name, what would you pick?
Karna (it is a family name from a few generations before)
What kind of shower soap do you use?
Variety... Donna Karan Cashmir (to match my perfume if I'm doing it up) or Bath and Body Works Orange Ginger
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars?
Macys sales day
What's some good advice given you?
If you want to know how a man will treat you, see how he interacts with waitstaff. Wish I knew this before hubby #1.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex?
Poor hygiene, arrogance
Who in your family do you best get along with?
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it?
Yup, not good
Two of your favorite books?
Angels and Demons (liked it better than DaVinci Code)
The First Deadly Sin by Lawrence Saunders (first book I ever spent the night up reading - it was a class assignment and got me loving to reading in high school)
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where?
Not yet
What is your occupation?
Senior Software Task Leader (aka paper pusher, paper generator, software designer and tester)
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick? Something welsh, like Gwydion or Carmathon...hey...I'm strange...what can I say?
What kind of shower soap do you use? Cheap, usually lemon or orange scented.
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars? Kayak/bike store...
What's some good advice given you? If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex? Braggarts and know-it-alls.
Who in your family do you best get along with? Middle son.
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it? Yes, wretched, almost poked my eyes out in retaliation...
Two of your favorite books? Origins of Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind by Julien Jaymes and The River That Flows Uphill...mapping the human mind and comparing it to a trip down the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River.
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where? One on the forearm.
What is your occupation? Storyteller and Information Specialist
Hi Lei!!! And all my WLS family...
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick?
**I acutally like my name... my real name is Tamara (ta mar a) but it is often mispronounced, so I've been Tammy since 1st grade
What kind of shower soap do you use?
**currently using Dial, Lavender and oatmeal... smells yummy
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars?
**this is hard!! anywhere for cute clothes... Michaels or Ben Franklin for crafty stuff... mmmmm, how about a massage!
What's some good advice given you?
**Don't worry; leave it in God's hands and just do what you can do.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex?
**bad hygene and conceited
Who in your family do you best get along with?
**I get along with all my family very well. Love AND like my hubby... other wise, probably momma and brother.
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it?
**yes, several. Some good, some bad. Met my hubby on a "blind date" and look where we are now!
Two of your favorite books?
**Yikes! that's like asking which is your favorite child!! Ok, Knight in Shining Armor by Judith Michael... any time traveling/romance/adventure
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where?
**Nope, and never thought I would, but I'm considering it
What is your occupation?
**Banker extrodinaire!! Just started new role at bank as Small Business Specialist and LOV'IN IT!
Take care!
All right, I'll bite.
TGIF - Senseless Questions:
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick?
I can't imagine having a different name than I do. I even spent a little time looking at names on the internet for this question and I can't find one I like better than mine. I might change the E to an A though.
What kind of shower soap do you use?
It depends on what I find on sale, but I really like Caress Evening Silkening, even though I take showers in the morning.
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars?
Target, Wal-Mart, the dollar store (the good one), iTunes.
What's some good advice given you?
Live for today.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex?
Lack of intelligence, conceit.
Who in your family do you best get along with?
Right now I am getting along pretty well with everyone. (which never happens, we usually take sides and then battle.
) I wouldn't want to pick and choose since two of them read this board.
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it?
If meeting someone from the internet counts, then I guess so. I don't know if I would do it again, though.
Two of your favorite books?
Angels & Demons -- Dan Brown (and I started the Da Vinci code, but I'm so busy these days I have only gotten through about ten pages)
The Tommyknockers -- Stephen King
BTW, this is an unfair question, I could probably list about 20 and then feel bad I couldn't list 21 and 22.
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where?
I have a moon and stars on my left ankle (the stars are supposed to represent my nieces and nephews, but I don't have enough because new kids seem to keep popping up. One day I'm going to go back and have their initials and more stars added)
Chinese characters on my left shoulder that say "Live for today" at least that's what the tattoo place said they meant. It probably means something like "public toilet costs 25 cents". My best friend has the same one on his upper left arm.
What is your occupation?
Accounts Payable for the cab companies (basically any red or yellow cab in NOVA.) It's fun to write a million dollar check and know that it is cashable.

f you could choose your own name, what would you pick?
What kind of shower soap do you use?
I like the liquid bath/shower soaps
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars?
A massage
What's some good advice given you?
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex?
unshaven, nasty bodily noises
Who in your family do you best get along with?
my dog
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it?
terrible, only one, he was sick
Two of your favorite books?
The Key Trilogy by Nora Roberts
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where?
nope, never wanted one either.
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick? one of those names that are not gender specific like charlie or sam
What kind of shower soap do you use? tone
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars? the MAC counter...for awhile there i could go on any day and they knew my name!
What's some good advice given you? everything happens for a reason...all experiences in life (good & bad) have brought us to where we are right now...i try to remember that when times are tough...i have gone through many rough spots that have made it possible to be right here, right now and without them, many things would be very different for me!
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex?
lying & stupidity
Who in your family do you best get along with? mom
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it? yes...several (used to be on a nightmare!! i did it to keep my friends amused!
Two of your favorite books? The Bible & Your Best Life Now
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where? Yes...3 of them...chest/butterfly & flowers...across entire lower back/vine with hearts...right shoulder/princess symbol (you knew that had to been in there somewhere!)
What is your occupation? Manager of 53 consultants at Verizon
Hey Lei,
Better late than never. I sure hope you girls have a blast this weekend. I told Nat & Betsy that I really wanted to go but things just didn't work out so I could. So while all of you are out
your butts off I am sitting here typing and catching up.
one for me....
I still hope to meet you one day soon.
Here goes my reply:
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick? Chyanne..duh..why do you think I chose that here and for my e mail.
What kind of shower soap do you use? Dove or Oil of Olay
Favorite/fun place to blow $50 dollars? Wal-Mart
What's some good advice given you? Be true to yourself.
What are 2 things that turns you off from the opposite sex? Stupid & bad teeth
Who in your family do you best get along with? My kids (3)
Ever been on a blind date? If yes, how was it? Too many to count....some good, some bad........and some (don't want to go there again)
Two of your favorite books? Johnny Angel by Danielle Steel & of course Gone with the Wind.
Do you have any tattoo's? If so, what and where? Not yet
What is your occupation? Administrative Assistant