Hello Stacey, are you out there??
I tried to reply to your email about tomorrow night and it bounced back to me. All I did wa**** "reply" to the email you sent me, not sure if it's a server problem on my end or yours, but this is the address I replied to:
[email protected] (I deliberately put X's in the last name to protect your privacy, just wanted you to have a gist to which email acct)
...and this is the reply I tried to send your way!
Hello Stacey -
It's never too late for FRIENDS to join in and we'd love it if you could!!
Will it be you and your hubby, or just you, joining us? Just want to know how many seats Im going to need to adjust for. If I read your email correct, you'll just be joining us for DANCING. Let me know if Im wrong about that, okay?
Also, can you get to the dance club BEFORE 9:00?? Hopefully, by 8:45, so that there is NO cover charge to you (or your hubby, if he's coming).
Make SURE you tell them at the door that you're with the "LEILANI" party so they know not to charge you, okay?
Just let me know about what time and how many - can't wait to meet you.
Hugs - Lei