Do your Feet get smaller?
I saw this question posted on the daily OH forum, but I can't figure out where the girl wrote this and what the response was. I have a closet FULL of cute shoes from over the years that I would LOVE to wear again going from size 7-9and half. If the feet don't get smaller, I would be more than happy to give them to some one. Cute heels, strappy sandles, clogs etc!Thanks guys for all of your input, and have fun dancing this weekend. Oh , there are some great resturants down Granby too, which isn't far from Waterside at all. I don't think there is a seafood one down there though!
! Have Fun! Cindy

Hello Cindy -
It really depends on WHERE you carry your weight in the first place.
I was an APPLE CHICKLET - carried all of my weight around the waist, face and neck, my lower body was definitely NOT as large as the rest of me.
That being said? I didn't lose SHOE sizes. Started off in a tight 8.5 and still wear a comfortable 8.5, the only REAL difference is that I don't have to purposely seek out the wider widths.
I had to replace my entire wardrobe from a 6X to a 10/12 but ALL my shoes are the same. I guess that's not a bad thing, though.
Hey? Why arent you joining US Friday night? hmmm?

I carry all of my weight in legs and hips. If I could just cut those off, I would be great! I would LOVE to go to Have a Nice Day, but I am doing the easter egg thing with my three little ladies( if they even classify as ladies, one "washed" her eyes with Hand Sanitizer, One currently eats paper and rx cat food, the oldest is my priss pot) and thier friends. I will defintely try for your next night out. You all look and sound like you have a great time! thanks, Cindy

Good For you! That is how my foot is. Starting ( pre weight @ 9 years ago) my shoe was a 7-71/2. Then with weight and each kid it went up to 9, 91/2 to 10. It all depends. Thanks for getting back to this. That is something I often wondered about. I have always had big legs, so I am curious to see how they look later. Thanks ! Cindy
Even though I never had "huge" feet, I did loose some size.
I needed a 7.5 WW. Try finding those. My feet were perfect triangles, extremely wide in the front, and a narrow heel. So everything flopped off my heels when I walked.
Now, I am a perfect size 6. (in shoes anyways!)
I also lost ring sizes. My engagement ring was purchased as a 7.5 and my wedding band was bought an 8. I eventually had them both stretched to a 9.
My mom gave me an antique ring for Christmas and said "i know you will have to have it sized, because it is too tight for me" Well guess what, It is a size SIX and a little loose! She was right, I might need to have it sized DOWN! But she meant the other way!
I would say wait a little while on getting your rings sized. If I had sized mine when my finger**** 7, I would have had to do it again when they hit 6. I still haven't had my wedding rings sized. I'm just wearing this antigue ring my mom gave me as my wedding ring until I am sure my finger is going to stay a 6.