Another WOW Moment!!!
OMG! This weekend, my family and I went camping at King's Dominion. I just LOVE camping. Any-hoo.........
While I knew that I was getting smaller, it is still difficult to really see it in the mirror. But, this weekend I saw it.
I was not only able to fit on the rides, but had a bit of room, too.
It was a GREAT feeling, especially knowing that last year I was unable to fit intot he rides at Bush Gardens.
My dear sister, came up to me when we got off of the ride, and we both had a bit of tears in our eyes, she hugged me and said "I am SO happy for you!" (she knows my struggles).
Had to share.....
That is great!!!!! I always hated having to suck it in to get the safety bars to close. If I had gone right before my surgery, they might not have closed.
I'm so happy for you
This May I'm going to Disney World and can't wait to have energy to roam the parks and ride the rides with ease. Last time I went, I was close to not fitting on Space Mountain.

Ohh, what day did you go to Kings Dominion??? I was there Saturday till about 5pm, and I also want to try camping there, is the campground nice? Do they have a shuttle to take you from the camp site to KD?
I am so glad you had a good time there, and I know the feeling. I got my season passes last year for the first time ever, and I took my son for the first time ever, since I was loosing weight, I felt like I would fit. He was 15 before I took him, which is sad really. But when I finally took him, I wore him out, which was fun

I was there on Saturday until about 5:00, too. Too bad we missed each other.
The campground isn't bad. It's not a KOA (which I personally like), but it is great if you are going to K.D, cause they have a shuttle that will take you back and forth. Perfect in the middle of summer, when they are open later cause you can play for a while, go back to camp to eat and then go back and play.
It was such a wonderful feeling, especially after last year at Bush Gardens, when I had to get off of the ride because I couldn't squeeze myself intot he seat. I had to stand there in front of everyone until they re-opened the gate for me to leave.
I'm looking forward to getting season passes to Bush Gardens this year. I plan on being there ALOT! Plus, there's a decent camp ground close by, which makes it even better (even though I am close).
You are so kind. I really appreciate what you did for my picture.
It amazes me how far behind the mind is. I just now really cleaned out my closet. I've gone from a size 24 to a size 14. But felt that I needed to keep the larger sizes, "because that is what I wear".
I went shopping with my sister and instantly went to the larger size.
It wasn't until I saw that picture, that I really began to see that I am getting smaller. Again, I thank you for doing that for me.
My sister has been a great supporter. She has been there for many "WOW" moments and is always amazed when she sees me. I have a great sister!