Friday - Dancing/Dinner VaBeach!

Aaaw, we're not that far - especially when it's to party, socialize and enjoy the company of your girlfriends.
Besides, you'd be able to visit with Eileen (your roomie) Wendy and me, your cruise buddies, more!
I WISH you could come on down, are you SURE you can't?? It's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend, maybe you could talk the hubby into some romantic R&R on da' beach?
Well Hubby has plans. He's almost done remodeling our motorhome. It could be possible for me to come. It does not take much to persuade me though. And I do have fridays off too. But I am trying to save my dollars. Going on vacation in 17 days. Yahoo. Can't afford hotel room on my own. But if others were looking to share, I might consider it. You make it very tempting.
Susan, I'd love it if you could come out. I know that Patty (PS in MD) was also thinking about coming down for the Friday night dinner/dancing - but was hoping to find a "roomie" to split costs. Not sure if you two can work out the logistics of it all, but I wanted to at least put you two together so you could talk about it.
Here's the link to the post where she mentioned this weekend:
I'll also cross reference your post/link to her so that she realizes you are also "thinking about coming down, if it can be worked out" ...okay?
There are a LOT of hotels out near Waterside, which is in "Norfolk". Off of the top of my head, I know there is a Marriott and a Raddisson, nearby. This is where we'll be going for dinner and then dancing later. If you two do come out, an option might be to stay near Waterside in Norfolk.
Of course, if you'd rather wake up to the sounds of the OCEAN, then you'll want something out on the Boardwalk of VaBeach. Problem with that, is that it's about 25 minutes from where you'll actually be drinking and partying.
I'll send this link over to Patty next - so you two can talk more about it.
~ Lei

I saw your reply to Sharon - you know Im gonna want to see your tat's on Friday, especially the one on your lower back. That's where my next one is going to be.
PLEASE DO SHOW UP FOR DINNER!!! I'd love it if you could, besides, it's easier to visit with people over dinner, once we get to the club it's gonna be more dancing and harder to talk. I'll be calling in the dinner reservations on Thursday, so just let me know.
Do you know where the club is, or do you want to swing by my place and ride up with us, or caravan out?
I guess you didnt see any of mine! I have 3...1 on my chest, 1 on my shoulder and my prize on my lower back...the nose piercing came while I was waiting for my first tat! I am a dangerous woman around needles!! Have you ever heard of anyone getting their nose pierced because they were getting too anxious waiting to get tattooed??
I kinda know where waterside is but I may decide to follow you...we'll talk this week...I left you a voicemail...I forgot you don't answer your phone!