Self Pay vs CIGNA
I would like to hear from those who made the decision to "self pay" for their WLS, especially if you have been denied by CIGNA. I have submitted the paperwork to CIGNA, but have not heard back yet. Because there is a high probability that I will be denied (after all, it is CIGNA I'm dealing with!), I would like to hear about the expeirence of others who paid out of pocket.
Thanks, Janet

Okay, I have Anthem HealthKeepers, which quite possibly might be the worst insurance ever. They won't pay for ANYTHING (except maybe the sleep study, which was ordered by my PCP, here's keeping my fingers crossed)
So in January, my father (who is also having WLS, but his insurance pays) offered to pay for me. This is the breakdown so far (and it could be totally different for you, I'm in NOVA, while I notice you are in Newport News)
Consult: $500 (submitted to insurance, denied)
PRE OP TESTING: (I think people sometimes fail to take this into consideration)
$1986.40 for EGD
$1178.91 for central testing (gallbladder sonogram, blood work, urinalysis, chest x ray and nurse interview)
$2000 anesthesiologist
$5500 surgeon's fee
$14000 hospital stay
Grand Total: $25165.31
Bear in mind that I was told that since I was a self pay, they took 35% off the total costs for the testing and such (I wonder if that includes the anesthesiologist and hospital stay, I'll find out next week when I pay those)
This is for Fair Oaks Hospital, in Fairfax, VA.
Hope this helps. I cannot believe how lucky I am.
Hey There Janet !!
Dr Clark did my surgery on March 7th of this year. I have started to get in bills now. A few have already been paid by my insurance company and others are still "pending"...soooo if you email me I can send you a copy of the EXACT amount billed to my insurance company and myself for the hospital, doctor, pre-op testing, and other tests. Good Luck on your decision. I switched from Tricare Prime to Tricare Standard so I wouldn't be denied..It was a gamble. I am still waiting to see if some of these hefty bills will be paid.

I also did the prime to standard. I ended up paying $28.00 to the hospital out of $31,000.00 that the hospital charged tricare. Tricare only paid 8,000.00. When you have insurance they go crazy with the amout cause they know that the insurance won't pay for it all. Do you check on the computer your EOB's on Tricare site? I had Dr. T do mine Oh meeting on the 12th about plastic surgery.