TaeBo or Kickboxing Class
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a beginner's level TaeBo or kickboxing class, preferably with a friendly and encouraging instructor, in the Ashburn/Reston/Sterling or Mclean areas. It'd be great if I didn't have to join a gym to take a class, but I'd do it if the class was great. And I'd love to be able to watch a class before I decided, if that's possible.

Hello Dawn!!
Can't help you with your questions - the only thing I tend to kick is my hubby! Anyway - I still wanted to stop in and say HELLO, it's been forever since Ive seen you posting. Hope all is well...? Wish we lived closer, I think Kickboxing would be COOL to take, as long as I had a friend to encourage (drag) me along.
Hey? Doesnt Donna Mae's husband TEACH Taebo? I could be totally wrong (nothing new) but I woulda sworn Greg did, maybe she can help you? I can assure you IF he does, he's a very POSITIVE and FRIENDLY kinda guy.
Of course, what I don't know is if you two live in the same area? If not, maybe he'd have some suggestions for you?
Enjoy your weekend - hugs, Lei
Hello to you too Lei! Thanks for stopping in to say hi
It would be nice to do this as a group, it's much easier to have support. I just realized recently that this is something I might really enjoy so I'm gonna give it a shot. Do you know Donna Mae's screen name? Maybe I can send out an APB for her and ask about her husband. I'd be willing to travel a bit. I also contacted the local TaeBo instructor from Billy Blanks web site to see if she teaches around here, too. I'll let everyone know in case there is other interest.
Have a good one!

Hello again Dawn ~
Here is a link to Donna's profile - she's up in the NOVA area, or at least I think that's what ya'll would consider Fairfax?