bad move last night for dinner.....
and now I'm paying for it!!!
I ate about 2 oz of chicken and stars soup, with two soggy crackers in it. Then I'd made my guys some cheddarwurst for dinner.
I took one of the links and surgerized it and ate the insides. It was about 7 bites, about the size of hmmm....small gumballs.
I probably ate it too fast....and it was probably way too much for my new pouchie! So now I'm in pain in the left side just under my rib cage.
I'm able to get down fluids....and my vits last night with some tylenol, before bed. This morning I've been drinking some fluids......scared to add anything else in there! I only feel the pain when I stand up. I've passed no gas, whatsoever.
Well all that and I probably did too much include gardening.
We have some shrubs that needed planting/transplanting. My hubby dug the holes, and I did the actual planting them in the ground. Three of them were small, itty bitty ones, and the other was not much larger....but this was all after walking around the block. So I'll be taking a nap this morning as I am beat!
About 3 weeks ago I went through a week of having to
almost every meat I tried. I thought that as far out as I was I wouldn't have trouble. One time I had baked chicken at work, with some added broccoli and cheese, one time meat loaf (?). There seemed to be no reason nor reason to it. I decided I need to slow the heck down on the eating diff. meats.
Believe it or not I do better with beef than anything--especially dried meat products. That seems to be the opposite of most folks' experience--but as mentioned above, we are one big learning experiment. Chicken, except for chicken salad and turkey both seem to dry and gamey. My nose turns up at these things that used to be favorite of mine.
I also feel really worn out after a vomitting spell. Thankfully I haven't had a true 'sick spell' like you and many others have had. My new stomach remains sensitive for almost a day afterward, and I eat only very light things and liquids until it feels normal again.
Hope you are recovered before tomorrow! And, be careful of all that bending and lifting!
HI LOis,
Meatloaf sounds really good! Yeah, I think I should have gone slower eating that sausage and it probably wasn't the best choice so early out. Live and learn!!! It' s interesting you say that about beef, my mom's the same way. She had surgery in 99.
I feel ok other then the pain and am wondering if it's more muscular then anything. It only hurts when I stand up from sitting or lying down for long periods. So no more heavy work for me! OH bummer! lol!
Have a great weekend.
Hey Betsy!
I do feel ok. Thanks! Tired, but that's to be expected! Like I told Lois I think it may be more muscular tehn anything. I probably pulled something out of whack(and hopefully it is a muscle!!!
) when I was gardening. Didn't help squatting down onto the ground and getting up--twice.
I'm so sorry to hear abou the heartburn. What does your doc say? Do you have to take anti-nausea meds when you take antacids?
Have a great weekend!
I still have so many things that hurt when I try to consume them. I had surgery on 2/8/06, and I am still on pureed foods. I have tried meatloaf as Lois talked about, it got stuck, I started my first episode of real vomiting (all blood) really scared me. I wound up back in the hospital for another endoscopy so I am afraid to test the waters again to soon. I go back to see doctor on the 5th I am hoping to get to soft stage, I hope I can adjust to that.
Take it easy on bending and lifting. You need rest.
OH Donna,
I'm so sorry! What did the doc say about the blood? I will be thinking and praying for you. I hope your days get better! How much weight have you lost? How are you coping? Do you have a good support system? We're practically neighbors....I live in Remington in Fauquier County. If I can be of any help let me know.
Run as fast as you can to the closest healthfood store and buy some papaya enzymes. From now on carry some with you. When ever you get protein stuck chew 4-6 immediately and try to walk around (one is not enough). Papaya enzymes are the same active ingredients at Aldophs meat tenderizer and it will disolve the protein within a few minutes and the movement helps to move it through. You do not need to drink anything to make this work. This stuff has saved me more times than I can say. When I eat out I tend to get talking and forget to chew enough before I swallow and get immediately get a bad pain telling me something is stuck. Anothere WLS pal told me about this "cure" and I am very grateful.
Hope this helps next time