TGIF Senseless Questions
Sorry this is slightly early...............heading out to catch a plane to New Orleans realllllllllllllly early tomorrow, and wanted to get this in. A special thanks to Leilani who normally does these and is taking a much needed break from it. WE ALL APPRECIATE YOUR HARD WORK GIRLY!!
OK, ALL, think back 10 years with me to 1996. Where were you then and what exactly were ya doing? I know that was a really long time ago, but lets take a stroll....................b a c k!! Have some fun!!!
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over???
2. Where did you work?
3. Where did you live?
4. Can you remember the name of your hair style?
5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name?
6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages?
7. What was your favorite band/group?
8. What kind of car did you drive?
9. Did you have any pets? What were their names?
10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today?
11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be?
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over???
2. Where did you work?
*Stay at home mom, wow have I done this for a LONG time!!!
3. Where did you live?
*Toms River, NJ
4. Can you remember the name of your hair style?
*Oh man, it was longish and all 1 length!!
5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name?
*Married, on my way to divorced the next year.
6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages?
*1 boy............he was 2 years old and his name is Robbie.
7. What was your favorite band/group?
*Well, wasn't so into country then, but can't think of an exact name.
8. What kind of car did you drive?
*1994 Ford Explorer
9. Did you have any pets? What were their names?
* We had 2 cats, Bonk and KC
10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today?
*Nowhere near!! Never thought I'd be remarried, have 2 girls, live in VA, never in a million years would I imagine I'd have gastric bypass and lose so much I could go on forever!!
11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be?
*Honestly the past 10 years have been pretty good. I don't know that I'd change anything, we are building blocks to the next stage, and I wouldn't have wanted to miss the next important step, ya know? Got to go through the bad to get to the good.

Ok, Sharon, here goes if my memory serves me well.....
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over??? 40's
2. Where did you work? First Union Mortgage
3. Where did you live? Roanoke, VA
4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? Permed and medium length
5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? I was married to my first husband of 27 years, his name is Bill
6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? I had three children...Brian, 31, Christopher, 27 and Jennifer 24
7. What was your favorite band/group? Heart
8. What kind of car did you drive? Bronco II
9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? We had one cat named Indica....Jennifer still has her
10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? Not at all...I figured I would be happy and married...go figure
11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be That I never married the second time...big mistake...
Great questions, 10 years seems so long ago, but yet just yesterday.
#1- I was in my 30's in 1996.
#2- I was working at Coors Brewing Co and still do. It will be 19 years in April!
#3- I lived in McGaheysville, my husband and I had just bought our first house.
#4- Hair style??? I have never had a "named hair style" lol
#5- in 1996 I had been married a big wopping 2 years! Ahh those were the days.
#6- I only had one child then, Casey one year old, he was born in July of 1995.
#7- My favorite band or group ?? Come on, I had a 1 year old. I listened to Disney songs most of the time. LOL
#8- This one is a hoot! What kind of car did I drive? It was a bright red Chevy Astro van. Talk about ULGY!!!!!!!
#9- We had (still have) a lab named Sara Jane and a cat named Spooky.
#10- Looking back am I where today where I thought I would be? I have exceeded my expectations for myself and then some.
#11- What would I change? I guess I should have gone back to college and gotten my degree by now.

1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over???
2. Where did you work?
Same place I do now
3. Where did you live?
Same place I do now
4. Can you remember the name of your hair style?
Nope, just whatever...
5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name?
Not married. Was probably still dating Rob. Met Colonel Combover in 87.
6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages?
7. What was your favorite band/group?
No clue
8. What kind of car did you drive?
Toyota Corolla
9. Did you have any pets? What were their names?
Chubbs, orange tabby
10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today?
Yes and no
11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be?
Wouldn't have married CC.
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over???
2. Where did you work? Defense Logistics Agency
3. Where did you live? ,Springfield, VA
4. Can you remember the name of your hair style? page - sort of
5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name? Married to John
6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages? 1 child Austin. She was married by that time
7. What was your favorite band/group?Temptations
8. What kind of car did you drive? Chrysler Mini van
9. Did you have any pets? What were their names? none
10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today? pretty much work wise. I didn't have any life plan then so I didn't think much about where I would be
11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be? I would have had gastric bypass 10 years earlier.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. John and I are going to *****oteague to the hotel where LeiLani went. I can't wait I know we will have a great time.
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over???
2. Where did you work?
*Toys R Us
3. Where did you live?
*Melbourne, FL
4. Can you remember the name of your hair style?
*Afro Bob...
5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name?
*Single and Nieve.. (spelling)
6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages?
*I was a baby myself
7. What was your favorite band/group?
*Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Garth Brooks
8. What kind of car did you drive?
*My Dad's tank
9. Did you have any pets? What were their names?
*none personally
10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today?
*Yes and No
11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be?
*I would have gone to college and stayed in college right out of high school. I could beat myself about that for years.. instead I'm going to get my degree that I should have had 3 year ago.
In 1996, I was....
1. Were you in your 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s............over???
I had just entered my 20s.
2. Where did you work?
A tiny dual company in Gainesville, FL. The boss made money from the one company by defrauding his customers. He made more money from the second company using the same products but legit practices.
3. Where did you live?
Lake City, FL
4. Can you remember the name of your hair style?
LOL, I never was a fashion diva, so it was probably just as it is now...however it dries after I get out and bru**** wet.
5. Were you married, divorced, dating? What was their name?
Single. Didn't really start dating until 1997.
6. Did you have any kids? Names, ages?
7. What was your favorite band/group?
Classical Music, Chopin.
8. What kind of car did you drive?
1995 Ford Aspire. Loved that little car.
9. Did you have any pets? What were their names?
No pets.
10. Looking back, are you where you thought you be today?
Not even close career wise but much further along family wise.
I'm happy with the family.
11. If you could change one thing from the past 10 years what would it be?
Instead of just letting my boyfriend kick me out, take my paycheck and leave me in $20,000 debt, with a repo'd car and bounced checks, I'd have gotten an ins policy on him, made it look like an accident or natural causes and I'd be much happier and well off emotionally and financially.