What's the deal with the names?

(deactivated member)
on 3/29/06 4:19 am - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Too cool, are you serious about next Friday?!? WOW - that would be awesome Jill. We've been typing on the keyboard since way before you left WA state, it would be nice to finally meet you in person!!! ...and how, pray tell, will we KNOW it's YOU? This photo is from before your surgery, missy ma'am, share some recent ones too. I love seeing the progress in photos and Im thinking 75 lbs is a significant change worth updating!!! Okay - Im still bummed out about my SailorDude's deployment schedule, but Im thrilled that I'll be meeting some new and old *** old as in friends, not old as in OLD, well... 'cept for that Wendy G. chick, now she's OLD) ...but it'll be nice meeting NEW friends and old one's alike, next Friday! Hugs - Lei [who's OBVIOUSLY NOT PROOF READING ANY OF HER REPLIES] .
on 3/29/06 6:35 am - Virginia Beach, VA
soo whats next friday? did i miss a post as usual
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/06 7:25 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
LOL - you are so cute. Um, well, Trish? See that other post in big HUMONGO letters about VABEACH, from Natalie? (aka Tinkerbell). That's what's going on NEXT Friday. Heres the link to it: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/VA/postdetail/45871.html?vc=0 ...and I'd love it if you could make it. I suspect you're not gonna be MUCH in the mood for dancing (or at least, I know I wasnt at 7 months pregnant) ...BUT, you gotta eat, right? Maybe you could show up for the dinner portion of it? It's all still being hammered out - but the gist of it is in the above thread. Hugs - Lei
on 3/29/06 11:03 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
so i am blind and pregnant jeezze what next i am pretty sure I can make dinner. i get pretty tired and i think ihave two left feet that even surgury cant correct ....so dancing might be a bit much for me. So I am off to portsmouth right now for my annual (first) check up...its not as exciting being pregnant but wish me luck. I know my proteins dont look so hot and i eat non-stop sigh oh well i keep tryin
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:38 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Well girlfriend I can tell you this .. for the next 10 months get used to my face .. as I plan on being in yours as much as you will allow . My life will not be the same knowing that I can not get in my car and drive to you if I need to . But that is what friendships are for .. to go where ever they may take us .. and hopefully you will get somewhere - and I can come visit you .. and finally get out of this state !!! But for right now I do not even want to think about it as I get misty eyed !!! Remember that Dianna and Myself will be down next weekend Friday night along with Betsy for the entire weekend thru Monday !!! I am hoping that the gang down there will be ready to go out and get our dance on !!! Please hug Paul for me and let him know I said hello ! I miss you .. and know great things await you both ! Love you so much , Natalie
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:55 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning girlfriend ~ I KNOW you're gonna want to at least come visit us after we move, cause we have a very strong common bond with the Hawaiian Islands! It looks like that's where we'll end up - they're taking the sub up there for decommission. What's up in the air, is if it's long term (4 years if Paul is promoted) or if it's short term (6 months, if he gets out November 2007). Believe it or not, im actually SCARED about moving back to the islands, as much as I love "home" and going back to visit - the thought of being contained to one "three hours by car" small piece of land really bothers me. I love my spontaneous ROAD trips and if I do that in Hawaii, I'll end up in the water. Hey? Absolutely Im not forgetting about next weekend, but I was starting to wonder if it was still a GO, havent heard from Dianna since the last novel I sent her (about 3 weeks ago). I didn't want to start talking about it until I knew for sure - get Dianna on the phone and tell her to get her cute butt to the boards and start reading and typing, I wanna start making PLANS for it. I know she/you/we talked about going out on the town Friday night, dancing. Then keeping it "low key" on Saturday at the house. Is that still the plan/idea? Also, do you two have a preference for a night club? Wanna do Have a Nice Day, again? Oh, and once again, if SO, hollar back and lets get a NEW THREAD started so we can invite others to the Friday night Dance thingie! Can't wait to see ALL of you again - it looks like it'll just be "ME" though. If the boat sticks to it's schedule, Paul will be underwater by then. Granted he's much CUTER then me, but I'm FUNNIER - so it's not such a bad trade off, right? Love and hugs - Lei
on 3/28/06 11:02 pm - Northern, VA
Ok, Ok, I am here.... I had to drive bratty school children around all morning, and I have to leave here again in 35 minuets to pick some more up and transport them....uggh...I have been BUSY lately. With my Sister and Dads surgery, appointments with them, the kids and their stuff, and Cleve and my stuff, I am having a hard time BREATHING lately, but I will get through it, I know I will Yes, the plans are still the same...Friday night Dancing at the club of your choice (Never been to a club in VA beach, so I will rely on the locals to figure this out!) and Saturday is the quiet night at the house (I will email the address) We have to be really good and quiet since this is a *family* place now if I can convince Cleve he needs to be on his best behavior Sorry to hear you are leaving the area, but at least there is enough time to say proper goodbyes Please dont forget all your wonderful VA family when you are gone.....I know you wont, but like Nat said, it wont be the same knowing that you cannot hop into the car and come down there and see you.....not as though I have done that, just knowing it is no longer a POSSIBILITY sucks....but you gotta do what you gotta do. So, just come up with some sort of plan for Friday night, and get me the address so I can do a map quest....I want to be prepared.... Ok, I am outta here to do a few more things before going out AGAIN (I need this break next weekend!!) Love ya! Dianna
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 11:18 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
. I have the hardest time visualizing little itty bitty YOU, driving a big ol' bus around. Not to mention, I have a lotta respect for you - that's NOT an easy job, both in SKILL and PATIENCE!! hehehe - Im not very good with lil kids. Actually, that's not true. Im just not very good with the loud, rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, spoiled and screaming profanity, type! They'd have my face plastered all over the National News....... Complete with photos of the gagged and bound kids behind me. As far as next Friday - depending on what you and Nat decide, as far as the various club options, it might be easier for you to just meet at my house and we'll tail gate each other to the club? Natalie's been to my place a coupla' times, but I don't expect her to memorize the drive - if that's what you decide you want to do, we can just mapquest you to my address and leave from here. Figure dinner at 7:00, so we'll want to meet at my place no later then 6:30. I already linked the club info to NAT's post for "Have a Nice Day Cafe" (70's/80's Oldies, Top 40, and Dance)..with addresses and phone numbers in it. We also met up with Natalie and about 25 other peeps at "The Banque" (Country & Western) last summer. I have that link saved, if that's where we end up I'll toss it out too. Figure Saturday we'll just play by ear and hammer out as we're visiting, talking, laughing and dancing on Friday! Have a 'wunnerful day - hugs & love, Lei
on 3/28/06 8:48 pm - Hellertown, PA
Oh my Lei! What will we ever do without ya?!? We I am sure you know you will be missed dearly!! I will have to get down to see ya sometime soon! I am interviewing for a nanny position in silver spring, md...so I maybe moving closer to all my good VA friends!! I am very excited. Hang in there..and if you need to vent or a shoulder to cry on, I am here for ya!! Take care and talk soon! Luv ya Leigh Ann
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 9:03 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Aaaw, thanks Leigh Ann Careful with that shoulder of yours, I tend to "express/whine" a LOT! or so Paul says! I appreciate your kind words and hope we get a chance to hang out MANY more times before the move. Lots of positive vibes coming your way on the job offer, you're not gonna need any LUCK to get it, just show them all the wonderful traits that make up and compile YOU and that's enough of a selling point. I think your personality would be absolutely WONDERFUL in a position like that. You're very soft spoken, caring and just constantly project kindess and warmth. All wonderful qualities for helping to raise children. I tend to SCARE 'em. Ive lost track of how many babies Ive made CRY! Unfortunatley, I only come with ONE volume and it's LOUD, especially if Im excitable (like seeing a cute lil baby). Let us know how the job offer turns out - hugs, Lei
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