What's the deal with the names?

Susan E.
on 3/28/06 7:57 pm - Purcellville, VA
What the heck do you mean you'll be leaving Virginia, Tell them NO. I'm not kidding. I'm sorry he will be gone alot, that stinks. You can whine all you need too. Good thing you got your girls in Va Beach to keep you company. Hugs, Susan
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:24 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Hello Susan - OurCruisePartnerInCrime!!! ...lol, everytime I type or say the word, Cruise, I get soooooooooooooo twitterpated!!! Good thing we planned this all girly thing for October, huh? Who knows, maybe we can stick another one in there in the early Spring of 2007, too? I really would like to take Paul on one before we have our lives uprooted and back in the transient mode, ugh! Hey? Arent you due to go on another cruise this MONTH??? lol,I so want to emulate you when I grow up. Hugs ~ Lei
Kitty Kat
on 3/28/06 8:00 pm - Richmond, VA
Hey Beautiful, I have NO idea what the names deal is but at times they seem to come back to normal. It's dorky but I too am glad my name is simple and short. OMG Lei I know I'm not the only one who will say I haven't gotten to spend nearly enough time chatting with you and you may be up and leaving? I know that you are such an inspiration to so many of us and at the same time your heart calls with you to be with Paul and all at the same time makes you sad cause he'll be under and you'll be above the water but we you and care about you and hopefully we can try and keep you occupied. Life has a way of throwing us so major boulders at us but it is what we choose to do with them by moving them and making a better path for ourselves and our lives better that counts. My thing lately is "BOO HOO, WHINE, HISS, THROW OBJECTS then k now I'm might would be a tad better" So we got a lil' more time with ya huh? Hopeful and still attempting to beat down the stupid Flu Fairy who is taking up residence with our oldest Kayla now GRRRRR, Kat
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:29 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning Kat ~ ...loved your newest mantra "Boo Hoo, Whine, Hiss and Throw Objects" ...Ive perfected the first three, now I just need to find a few things to THROW! [sneakin' a look at my two boy-kitty-kats, hmmm] Aaaw, sorry to hear you're still feeling like crud - yikes, is this the same stuff you were talking about last week?!? If so, it sounds like a real doozey, for it to still be lingering! Hey? You're doing all the RIGHT stuff right? Staying hydrated, staying hydrated, staying hydrated (can't say it enough) and taking your vitamins and protein supps? I assume "eating" doesnt even sound good if you're feeling that bad, but don't let the nutrients and water get sacrificed in the healing process, okay? Hope you and Kayla feel better SOON!!! Hugs ~ Lei
Kitty Kat
on 3/29/06 2:07 am - Richmond, VA
Yep it's the VERY same stuff. My GAWD I was so hoping this mess would GO AWAY by now being that this is oh day #9 but the docs both said 7-14 days from onset. I got Kayla now, Nora & I hacking in unison and added to all this, this pm I've got the opposite of Kayla. Oh I'm drinking, drinking and drinking. As for vits I am pushing them along with the fluids and have managed to get in SOME food now and then but girl it's GAWDAWFUL right now. I won't even say how much weight I've lost and I wouldn't be complaining normally but this isn't the healthiest way to lost this much. All we can do is keep trying. Kitty Kat
on 3/28/06 8:01 pm - Rockbridge Co., VA
The names aren't truncated on my computer. I don't know to what it is you are referring. Lois
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:33 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
. [handing Lois the tops secret decoder ring] You have to have one of those to actually SEE the truncated text! Not sure what the heck is going on with OH, but Im glad to see others "knew" what I was talking about or I was gonna feel like a real dopehead. ...that or we've all been smokin' da same stuff!
Sporty Jill
on 3/28/06 8:16 pm - Norfolk, VA
Lei........... Say it isn't so!!!!!! That's ok - hubby made warrant, so we are anxiously awaiting to see what the Navy offers us for orders for next year. He was told that he willbe remaining with the ship until March next year in which he commissions, goes to school and then only the Navy knows what happens after that. I just got here, and haven't even finished un-packing. Any-hoo.........with hubby gone, let me know if you'd like to get together for dinner or a movie. Jill 263/188/145
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:40 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning Jill ~ Yikes - I really feel for you, good lord, you havent even been here long enough for dust to collect on your furniture. I can't imagine having to prepare for another big move, especially since your last one brought you 5000 miles, cross country! Our "military lives" pattern each other so much, wouldnt it be funny/cool if we ended up at the same location on this next move. They're talking about taking my hubby's sub out to Hawaii (just talked to him to make sure i could spill the beans without getting in trouble) ....but it looks like they're taking the sub to Hawaii to be decommissioned and although he's due for RETIREMENT next year (24 years in the Navy) ...they'll end up taking him with the boat and delay his retirement. Since he's one of only 2 navigators per sub, there just arent enough NAV's out there to substitute out. Of course, if Paul get's his promotion, then retirement get's put on hold and we're in the rat race for another 4 years, but it'll all be land duty. [hoping, praying, crossing fingers, chanting, etc]. YES yes yes - lets do dinner, movies, lunch, etc. Heck, we don't have to wait for my man to actually LEAVE to do that. Hugs - Lei
Sporty Jill
on 3/29/06 12:33 am - Norfolk, VA
HAWAII!!!!! I would love that, but just don't see it in the cards. Hubby isn't on subs. With this unexpected promotion, they have been talking about overseas. I'm like, uummm........ no! Not now. I work for the Army so it would be easy for me to get another job, but I still have a 15 year old at home who just started High School, and I do not want to take him overseas. Plus, hubby and I bought a 5th wheel camper that I wouldn't be able to take. My camping trips have been planned for the entire summer (YAHOO!!!). I'll keep my fingers crossed on your hubby's promotion. Sometimes I dislike promotions, especially when it puts a wrentch in all of your plans. but, you gotta go with it. Yep, the Navy is a rat race, and I was told to brace for another 11 years (he's doing 30 years) YIKES!!!!! Looks like April 7th will be a go for dinner and dancing. looking forward to it. Hubby has duty that night, so I will DEFINATELY be there. Guess I should get back to work. Jill 263/188/145
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