What's the deal with the names?
G'morning ALL ~
Why is everyone's screen name "truncated" ?? None of the full last names are showing up anymore, ie Princess Christine is now Princess C., Princess Pink is now Princess P., Betsy Anitahug is now Betsy A., etc.
Hey? I wanna be a PRINCESS too!!! How'bout BrattyPrincess
So, back to my question - has the OH site made some more changes over the last few days? Good thing I kept my last name simple, huh? " * "
Hope everyone is having a FANTASTIC week - mine is, well... it just is!
Just got my hubby's "tentative" deployment schedule, looks like my man will be GONE 10 of the next 12 months. I can't even imagine spending so much time apart and my heart feels like a twisted sad aching lump. UGH!!! We KNEW that 2006 was going to be a rough year for us, but hearing and seeing the schedule kinda took my breath away, ya know?
Oh, and if that's not enough? His sub has also been ear marked for "movement" (not sure how much I can say, so we'll leave it at that) and it looks like we'll be leaving Virginia shortly after he returns from this 12 month ordeal.
[big huge whiney baby sniffllin' SIGH!!!!]
Hugs ~ Lei

G'morning Shannon ~
lol - dont'cha know my friends are gonna wanna reach out and smack you for leaving them in charge of "entertaining and babysitting" me for 10 months? If they get tired of me, which absolutely could happen (hell, I get tired of me) ...can I come hang out with you for awhile?
Btw - I saw some of the photos from the Charlottesville Luncheon and was absolutely THRILLED, amazed, IMPRESSEd, etc at the photos of YOU. WOW, I couldnt believe the changes in just TWO short months, heck I just saw your cute self in January and you're slimming down at record speed.
Make sure you come up and introduce yourself in June, there is NO way I'll recognize you at that point.
Hugs - Lei
Big Hugs to you Lei.
I'm going to try to organize a Virginia Beach area meet N greet at Mt. Trashmore once the weather gets a bit warmer, unless someone else gets to it first. Probably looking at May or June.
The squadron my husband is changing to in August may also be deploying at the same time that we get there. I know his 6 month deployment is not nearly as bad as 10 to 12 months like your honey, but I feel the same anxiety and sadness at the thought.
Big hugs to you and hope to see you again before we leave at the end of July, begin of Aug.
(You have always been my biggest inspiration.)
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - NOT YOU TOO?!?!
Aaaw, man, this MILITARY living sure can be difficult, huh? Trust me, sweet lady, I truly do understand and feel your sadness. Maybe we can find strength in each other, or at the very least, get all puffy and red eyed from crying together?
Absolutely COUNT me in for another get together at the Park. I really enjoyed that last year, Patricia (Trisha) did such a GREAT job of organizing it. Who knows, maybe she'll even be able to bring the baby with her? I thought her little girl was due at the first part of summer. Hey Trish? Where are you woman, speak up - oh, and I bought something for your little girl, so we're gonna HAVE to get together SOON, whether you want to or not! lol
Tonya - I have to tell you (again - cause it warrants being said over and over) I'm so happy for you and ALL the wonderful changes that are coming your way. Saw your recent photo updates (yes, I have your profile saved to my favorites) and was absolutely floored by the newest photos. Gave me goosebumps, cause I feel like Im reliving my journey thorugh you - we started off so SIMILAR, weight, BMI and overall body shape and to watch you fade away and see that beautiful spirit and personality grow with each pound you lose, is freakn awesome!
Thanks for the kind words you ALWAYS extend my way - but trust me, you ARE your very own inspiration, you don't need me!!
Hugs ~ Lei

"I thought her little girl was due at the first part of summer. Hey Trish? Where are you woman, speak up - oh, and I bought something for your little girl, so we're gonna HAVE to get together SOON, whether you want to or not! lol"
only if i can bring you some lumpia preferably before Paul leaves so he can partake..though i think he polished off ALL the last batch...kidding there was like what..one left? hahaha
and yeah my little new angel..til i make her a DEBIL, will be due around june 15th not sure if ill be up to picnicing this year...though it is such a nice season...lots of changes around here thats for sure.