Ovarian Cyst
I guess you can tell by my "face" that I have really good news!! Some of you know that since my bowel obstruction surgery I've been totally consumed with worry about a huge ovarian cyst I have. Have to have the ovary and cyst totally removed, but b4 the gyno could remove it he had to know exactly what was inside it. If there was cancer in it, did it spread out at all??????? So we did a sonogram.............they were really freaked out about what was inside it.........blah blah. Of course, that's when I really paniced!!! I was sure I had cancer, I think I've cried over this for 2 weeks straight..........then I went into numb mode and would'nt talk about it. Had an MRI, to get a better picture of what is going on. Heard from my gyno finally yesterday, and he said he is 95 to 98% sure it is cancer free. He will be removing it w/in the month through my csection scar, intact, so if it does have any cancer it will stay in there. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to share this news!!! GOD IS GREAT!!!! Have a super wonderful day all!! I know I will!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOOXOOXOXOOOX
Hiya Dana!!!
How are you feeling?? Hasn't been long since you had surgery. I don't want you to be discouraged by anything I've gone through. I had absolutely not even 1 problem till after 1 year post op. A lot of people never even have 1.
It's a good thing I had the bowel obstruction, or they'd have never found the ovarian cyst.............see how it all works together. LOL I'll be fine, don't worry about me.........we women are strong!!!! Thanks for all the well wishes!!! XOXOXOOXOXOOX
You trying to compete with me for number of surgeries in a year, or what???? Huh????
Sorry to hear that you have to have another surgery but I'm glad the MRI results are excellent! I'm sure you will be relieved once it is gone and the pathology is back and that 95-98% is a true 100%.
Who is doing your surgery?
We'll be rooting ya on, honey!
NO WAY MAN!!! You can win for the # of surgeries in 1 year!!! No competition there girly!! After this I am DONE!! (Well I hope!) Dr. Castle out of Fair Oaks is doing my surgery..........he's the gyno who they pulled into my bowel obstruction surgery to look at my ovary. He's really great, nice, honest, and I love him to death!! I will be glad when it's over and we have the pathology report back, but for now I'm pretending the 95 to 95% means 100%. LOL Close enough!! Thanks for all the wishes. XOOXOXOOXOXO
Hey, Sweetie!
Sounds like a good doctor. Glad you like him and trust him!
Just so you know...there was a 93% chance that my parathyroid adenoma (tumor) was benign and dang it was! Gottal love percentages like that.
Unfortunately, I'm not convinced that my surgery days are over. My side pain from last year (that lead to the gallbladder surgery which didn't fix the problem) is back. It eased for a few months but has been creeping back in and now it is an everyday thing again. Dull, ache. Very annoying. Have to call Dr. M. Drat it - he made me promise no more surgeries... Wish I knew what this was - it disturbs me that I don't know although I suspect adhesions. Argh!
Anyway, I hope that all goes nice and smooth for ya!