I'm sick. Help!
I have a horrible cold! Sore throat, aches, chills, stuffy nose, etc. I've been taking day-quil pills and mucinex, but they just aren't helping.
I was at the lake Sunday when I started feeling bad. By the time I got home that night I realized I was out of zycam and by the time I could get to the store the cold was full-blown.
Anyone have any other suggestions? I can't function and I HAVE to work.
Thanks for your help!
Hello Stayce,
I still like the 'QUIL family, Night and Day if I'm starting to feel a cold coming on. If I end up with just the capsules, I ***** a relatively decent size hole in them before I swallow them. Although I prefer to buy it in the liquid stage - life happens and it's not always available to me that way.
Hey? Not sure what your daily routine is and this won't help you with the current cold, but maybe in the future....?
Before weight loss surgery - I used to have massive attacks of bronchitis. Really really bad. If the cough started, let's say, in October? Then I knew (and dreaded) that it WOULD be around at least till Feb. or March. My coughs would linger for months, sometimes turning into a full blown "checked my butt into the hospital" sickness. One of the drastic changes Ive made to my life since those days (besides the obvious weight loss) is a diligent routine with my VITAMINS. Somethings I suck at (like exercising) but somethings Ive never ever been lax on, since surgery.
That being said, I take 2 C's (chewables) and 2 zincs a day - morning and night, and have been for several years now. Guess what? I can honestly say I have not had (man, I hope I don't jinx myself here) but I have NOT had ONE bout of bronchitas since before my surgery.
I really believe the zinc and C's is the best preventative cold med's you can take, cause I avoid most if not ALL colds/flus/coughs ...and that's without taking the flu shot.
Good luck to you - Lei (sorry, I am so NOT proofing anything today)