Little Known Facts About the VA Loosers
1. My favorite sandwich growing up was Velvetta with sweet pickles on white bread. Sweet and salty at the same time.
2. I like to knit and crochet and have made myself a few cool sweaters this fall/winter.
3. I met Keith Richards at a backyard BBQ which was a college graduation and 60th birthday party.
4. I once went to a heavy metal club in Brooklyn to see a coworker that was in a band called Intense Mutilation.
5. I use to live in a house that had > 40,000 books in it.
Okay, which one is made up?
Well I think I like this one....lets see I'll say you dont knit and crochet
Here goes : 1. I'm in the movie Stripes.......remember back to about 1980 I think. With Bill Murry who joins the Army with Jon Candy.
2. I once played in a Country band.
3. I love anything hot.............o. k. not only girls !
4.I do laundry and windows.
5.I once was a Marine.
Now lets see your answers...............