Melissa news
Just returned from Marion. Melissa did have her surgery laparoscopically and was moved from ICU to the floor while I was there. She had already walked, and moved but was avoiding giving herself another dose of Demerol. I told her not to be a heroine, that she will heal faster if she is not in great pain. She was hesitating using it because it makes her so sleepy.
What was bothering her most was the site where the doctor inserted the stapler. She said the skin felt stretched and was very painful. Lisa is there taking care of her. Melissa was trying to take some fluid because her mouth was so dry. She is on clear liquids.
She will have her barium swallow in the morning and be discharged tomorrow if all continues as well as it has. she is eager to get home as you all can imagine.
I'm so glad that you were able to get down there to see her. I had hoped to get to Marion to see her (my parents live there), but I have been sick as a dog. I tried calling several times afternoon and wasn't able to get through. Actually, I just got off the phone with Lisa who said that Melissa is sleeping now and doing well.
Thanks again for the update!!! I am so happy that she is doing well!
Good. I am glad you got hold of one of them. Lisa allowed as to how Melissa didn't tolerate pain well. Melissa was concerned about her comfort at home. Hopefully she will feel some better in the morning.
(I sent the message about the phone number BEFORE I read your response. I need to quit doin' that!
Hi Sylvia,
Often it is standard to be sent to ICU for so many hours following surgery. At night, there is usually no staff in the recovery rooms and patients are routinely recovered from anesthesia in an ICU. ICU has more staff per patient and patients can be better watchedand tended to that way.
But, in large well-staffed hospitals patients sometimes go right out to a bed on the surgical floor.
It just depends.
Thanks for the update.......the pain now will seem like a foggy memory before too long......kinda like childbirth........once it's over the memory of it fades......give her my regards if/when you talk to hubby and I have been remembering her......he is the most fantastic support in the world........