Elizabeth B-c and David@goal YOUR THE BESTEST!
I want to publicly thank you Elizabeth for your help with the St Mary's housing. I finally was able to get in touch with her this morning and was able to reserve 2 nights for 20 dollars a night! I just want to give you a great big Ole country hug! You saved us so much money!
I had no idea they even had these.
I also want to thank David for offering the hotel discount at the hospital rate for my husband. This was going to be my second route. Elizabeth had mentioned the discounted hotels but I didn't know which hotels they were. Figured I would check in to those if the housing failed!
So from the bottom of my heart I thank both of you! Goes to show how much this OH family helps one another!

Hi, Lisa:
No public thanks were needed - I would do anything I could for anyone on this board. We need each other to deal with the physical, mental, emotional and financial impact of this life-changing surgery.
I am glad that you were able to get a space at the house - and I know that your surgery will be wonderful for you.
Keep your eyes on the prize - healthy life free from the food addiction, looking and feeling good. You are very brave.