4 days left
Melissa, You are going to do great. I am one week out and can hardly believe it! It has gone by so fast! The hardest part is being on the clear liquid diet for another week. I am craving cottage cheese. I am not hungry just head hunger. That is the hardest part but I would do this all over again if I had to. No regrets at all. Good luck and moving down on the loser's bench to make room for ya..
Heaviest 297~Day of surgery 230 ~ Day leaving hospital 222
Hey lady how are you?? I am so glad that you are doing well. I cannot wait. I have been so excited for over a month now, and I only have three days from today.
I would not have made with a clear head if it werent for yourself, Lois, Nat, and Julie. God brings people into our lives for a reason, and think you guys were brought into my life to help me keep my sanity.
Thank you so much for everything,