Brownies, research, Pilates...
Brownies, research, Pilates...
You all seem so busy and I am just filling my days and watching tv AND posting. I am doing some cleaning and exercise, too.
My daughter baked luscious (looking) brownies last night and I haven't had one! Instead, I mixed a scoop of Matrix Chocolate with Chocolate Fudge S/F Pudding and soy milk. Even the whole bowl would have been fewer calories than brownies--and I stayed under my calorie llimit for the day.
I bought a Pilates work out dvd and am using it when I don't like the program on All Star Workouts at 9. Exercise won't be so easy when I go back to work. this morning it is Bhangra Dance workout with Sarina Jain! Fun!
One of the researchers/professors contacted me yesterday about the exercise study. I had been under the impression that all aspects of the study could be taken care of during visits to MCV. Not the initial testing and evaluation apparently. SO, I will be coming to Richmond on Jan 3. for my pre-op and Jan. 10 for the research evaluation. I have chosen to go up the night before and spend th night in the hospital rather than leave out at 4:30 a.m. to be there at 8 a.m. They will be doing a variety of blood work and a treadmill and I am not sure what else.
Seems like much of my life is centered on the correct amount food and exercise. But, since I have spent my life not giving ENOUGH time to this, it is high time. Makes me want to quit work and exercise.

Hello, and Merry Christmas:
Reading your post, I can sympathize with you about the brownies. Most of the people in our home are good and don't bring sweets in because they know I can't eat them, but my future son in law is staying with us, and boy, does he have a sweet tooth. Candy, cookies...I worry about him. I hope he never has to join the WLS club.
I also wondered what your caloric limit/day is? I stay at around 500-600 because I just can't get more in.
I am down 103 since surgery 16 weeks ago.
Happy New Year,

Hi Sweetie....Oh boy, do I know the feeling about the brownies....I look forward to my children's chewable vitamin twice a day....that is the only solid I am getting. Hehe. I am on clear liquids for another 8 days and smelling the food coming off others plates is about to kill my head hunger although, "Mabel" keeps me in control.. it is funny but once you decide to have this WLS, your whole life centers around excersise and healthy eating. Can't wait to get me some pureed cottage cheese and yogurt. Well, Sweetie...I am so glad to have met you...I feel I know you personally now....I love it. Thanks again for all you brought me and the Propel is wonderful.
Hugs and Love coming to ya.
This butterfly is free
Ok, the Brownies really hit home...
Ya know, I am home on leave from work since post-op, and one thing I can do is cook. I've always loved to cook and am finding it easier to cook without "tasting." Well, I decided I'm going to try some of my usual holiday baking (for friends and other family members) and I baked a batch of brownies. As I was cutting them... you know how some of it gets stuck on the knife?... well, just out of reflex I wiped it off the knife with my finger and stuck the blob in my mouth! It sat on my tougue for a moment, I didn't chew, and then I was like "WHAT AM I DOING????" and spit it out. It wasn't like I even WANTED to eat a brownie, it was a reflex. I've been sooooo careful with what I've eaten and was imaging all kinds of pouchy hell I've have experienced if that gooey, sugary blob had gone down there!!
Still not doing well with the exercising... ok, I'll try to going walking again today. It's just hard to do much without using your right arm.
Happy Holidays,