Consignment stores?
Hey, Donna....Wish you lived near me....I know of everyone in a 100 mile radius...hehe....I love thrift shops and Goodwill stores.. They are a hobby of mine. Good idea too. That is the way I am going to do my shopping for the next year or so. Consignment shops are more expensive. Love ya girl...Good luck.
I buy quite a bit at Kohls. They have some awesome prices when they have sales. Think I got a few tops off their clearance rack for under $5 each. Right after the holidays should be a great time to stop in. The one by Fair Lakes is just next to Dick's Sporting Goods so it isn't as crowded as going to a busy strip mall.
Hugs, Kathy
Kathy - if I can get stuff at Kohls for $5 bucks -- I'm there!! I really just need the tops too, cause Dianna gave me enough jeans to get me through a couple of sizes.
By the way, I'm hoping that the nice long pretty dress that I got from you at the last support meeting is going to 'fit' me for the Richmond thingy. It's a bit snug now, but maybe with the right 'undergarments' it will work!! We'll see. I really like it. Thanks again,
Hi Donna. Yes Manassas does have quite a few thrift/consignment stores. We do have a Salvation Army store on 234 (the only time I was in there I was not impressed) and a Good Will store also on 234 (pretty big, not too bad). A lot of the others are consignment/thrift and vary in price and style but you could always get a listing from yellow pages and check them out.