Abdominal Pain
So I need help I went to a wedding last night and I am not sure if something I ate has caused this pain. I have been having abdominal pain. I have not had any other issues I have had my bowl movements and everything else seems to be working fine. Just wondering if anyone has had this and If I should be concerned.
I would say if you are still having abdominal pains tomorrow morning and havent been to the doctor's then you should call the doctor o rgo to the ER - you can never be too safe with our surgery - so don't hesitate or think about it any more - any pain after eating is not good - so run, don't walk to your nearest Dr or ER!
Good am. If your gut instincts are telling you something isn't right by all means please get seen by your doc's office. Its better to be safe than sorry. A lot can happen in a short period of time. Hope you get to feeling better.
All best!
All best!
thank you all for your suggestions, the pain has gone and chalked it up to a bad reaction to something I should not have eaten..... Carrot Cake a small peice but enough to put a hurten on me. I know know I have a major dump form suger........ never again will I even think a small peice will be okay......