wow week
Just got back from vacation last night, what a difference a year makes! we didn't vacation last year so the last time i was at the beack i weighed about 208ish, though i know i'm not at my "goal" weight i cannot express how much this past week meant to me. I got up every day and went on a bike ride with my hubby, i boogie-boarded for the first time EVER, i rode my first jet ski EVER!! i did not feel like people were staring at my hugeness at the beach, i actually ENJOYED vacation for the first time in about 20 years, i was not exhausted the whole time, i actually felt great the whole time (ok except for when i ate too much shrimp...)...back to work today, and back to the gym tomorrow! thank you all for your support in the past almost 1.5 years! love to all, have a great day! lys
AWESOME Lys! I'm glad you enjoyed vacation and you're doing wonderfully. Keep up the great work & keep enjoying life. Its all about choices! :) LOVE YA
Welcome Home Lys!!! AWESOME vacation story! It is such a great feeling and l can totally relate! Last weekend when we were in Key West - l went parasailing for the first time! l was worried l would drag the parachute down at first LOL But, l did it and my friends said l looked "normal"! which made my week! So happy that you had such a great time away! You deserve it!!!
Awww, Sweetie, you brought tears to my eyes, reading all your wow moments. I'm so pleased to see that you had such a good time. Long overdue & much deserved!! And Tina, you too!! Parasailing? That's fantastic!! And let's not forget Ms. Jen in her hot mama two-piece!!
Ya'll are inspirational & give the rest of us hope & something to look forward to. Thanks for sharing.
Ya'll are inspirational & give the rest of us hope & something to look forward to. Thanks for sharing.