Up For A Challenge????
The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach. - Benjamin Mays
How true is this statement????? A lot more truer than we care to think or believe, that's for sure. So...it got me to thinking about my own goals and whether I have made real efforts to obtain them.
The purpose of this challenge is to make you accountable to yourself and to remind yourself daily/weekly that you are important. You can have any goal you need to work on: taking your vitamins...drinking your water....getting in your protein....exercise/physical activity.....trying a new recipe. Anything...EXCEPT....lose X pounds. Weight cannot be your goal.
Why you ask???? Because if you are following the rules of your pouch, you will lose weight. If you are physically active and watching your intake...you will lose weight. Sometimes we cannot control what our body will (or will not) do - we've all been there and done that. The purpose of this challenge is to motivate you to excel, not set you up for a potential failure (we already have self esteem issues....). It just seems very unfair to me that you do all of the work, and your body (for whatever reason) does not give it up (or only gives up a portion of it).
So, are you in????
Here are the rules:
1. You MUST write down your goals. You do not have to post them here, but you DO have to participate each week to be accountable.
2. Your goals can be weightloss related, but cannot be X number of pounds related.
3. Your goals should be challenging for YOU. If taking your vitamins is a challenge for you, then that should be your goal. If physical activity is a challenge for you, well...there you go.
4. Remember that this is not a challenge with me (or anyone else), but a challenge with you. One thing we are always told when we ride with a group - ride your own ride. Meaning....this is all about YOU, and no one else.
5. This is YOUR challenge- it's not a contest or a competition. Everyone who participates will be a winner.
6. You must reward yourself with a non-food item. I'm sorry....but it would be pointless to reward yourself with food because you worked out 5 days this week. Not happening! Instead, reward yourself with a bubble bath....a night of no dishes.....new outfit (my mottos is: If I have to work out, I'm gonna look cute doing it!)...new tube of lipstick (if you are into that). But...you catch my point. You MUST reward yourself for all of your hard work!
7. Ask for help if you need it. Ask for ideas as to how you can meet your goal. Don't sit on the sideline trying to figure it out....ASK!
8. You MUST follow through. If you say that you are going to do it....then do it!!!! Personally, this is why I liked the daily What Are You Doing thread, and now am digging the What Did You Eat thread. Helps to be accountable and with follow through. Again...if you tell people that you are going to do something, you pretty much HAVE to do it.
So...did I cover everything???? If not, we can make it up as we go - haha.
So....Are You In?????
I'll kick it off.......
My Goals for the 1st week are:
1. Journal my food and exercise daily.
2. Watch my calories/protein/carbs/fat intake (hence the journalling).
3. Follow my workout schedule.
4. Go to bed by 10:00 each night.
5. Drink 125 ounces of water.
6. Read one book this week (I'm falling behind).
7. Be positive each day.
Ok...your turn!
Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265 Current Weight:143
So I run like a Girl....now keep up!
on 4/5/09 10:48 pm
1. Hit the gym everyday Mon-Fri
2. I also need to journal my food better (using sparkpeople.com to see if that helps me)
3. Be in a smalller pants size within another month
4. Not lift more than 20lbs until I am off restriction from surgeon
5. Pray each and everyday (sometimes multiple times a day)
6. Be more productive at work.
I think thats it for now.
Your challenge is just what I need. I've gained recently and need to get myself moving and take action. I appreciate the opportunity for increased accountability.
My goals:
1. Walk at least 4 out of 7 days. (That's a big improvement for me)
2. Drink at least 60 oz of water
3. Avoid sweets

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5
1. Hit the gym 4 times this week.
2. Take a walk on days I do not go to gym.
3. At least 60 oz of good fluids
That is a good start for me. I have a few other things to work on but don't want to overwhelm myself.
My progress so far:
Monday: gym - yes; water - no
Sorry been sick with a cold Sunday and Monday, so I am just getting to this.
1. get enough protein this week (it's hard when I'm sick - not much appetite)
2. get in at least 4 walks this week
3. accept my doc's recommendations on the post-op follow up (I'm hoping he will say I can go to soft mushies, but if not, I will accept it with grace - I hope) Follow up on Thursday
4. Take all my vitamins this week.
short list to start