Emergency for Lisa
I'm absolutely dumbfounded. At a loss for words right now. All I can do is pray for her & Edward. Please do the same. If ever the power of prayer was needed, this would be the time.
Wife to Sean married 5/29/99
And one bean on the way. EDD 6/22/11
I think I am beyond tears at this point. Still reeling from the shock of it all, I guess. I feel so damned helpless. All I can do is talk to her on the phone, & keep you all informed as she has asked me to do. And in true Lisa fashion, she still remains pleasant & counting her blessings, such as the kids not being with him, him not being on a vent, etc. She's a strong lady, but in her words, "I don't know how much more I can take." I don't even know how to respond to that anymore other than to tell her that I love her, that we ALL love her, & we're praying for them all. Just doesn't feel like enough though...ya know what I mean?
Anyway, there's more info below. I posted her hospital phone number so if you'd like to call her, I know she would appreciate it.