I'm sipping on fluids and am seeing where it takes me. Still not 100% but I'm going to get there.
Folks know goodness when they see it and they may not want to lose you but they need to make things worth you staying. I know what its like to work in a stagnant work place and that kills me and my moods quicker than many things. Its a big decision. Just weigh the options and go with what your gut says.
Hope your day is great and your night is wonderful.
Today I am going to help my hubby clean out our storage unit God only knows whats in it, and put the stuff in the attic above the garage.. I am sure alot of it will be going to the Veterans variety store. This will save us $71.00 a month Then go for a 3 mile walk . Tonight my 5 year old G/D has a tee ball game the last one of the season. Hopefully we can come home without any injuries and have a good night.
I am looking forward in your post tomorrow.
Love ya,
Hope Emily's fingers are better today. Have fun cleaning the storage unit out and enjoy the game this pm.
Hope you get to feeling better. Have a great Tuesday and enjoy your book!
Hello Beautiful!!! Hope you are feeling better soon. Busy morning here so I had to make a point to take a few minutes to myself. Lots going on at work as usual. So I spoke with my boss yesterday, got a great yearly review (which they hadn't postponed our raises) and we talked about upgrading me to a better position. With all the restrictions due to budget issues we do not have final approval but we are working on it.
Had a quiet evening at home last night. I was not feeling really great so when I walked in the door I put on my jammies then spent the evening watching tv & reading, cuddling with my hubby. It was really nice to just be able to relax and not worry about things. Tonight I have to attend a viewing to support a family memeber and then tomorrow will be spent helping care for nieces & nephews while their parents attend funeral services.
Hope you have a good day! Love you much!!
Love you.
Today, with the help of a friend, I was able to ride to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. It felt great to get out after being in the house since last Thursday. Walking is slow with the walker, but I made it!
At home, I work on my exercises. Ice is becoming my best friend.
The new knee is not bending like it should, so I need to work on knee bending. If scar tissue forms, then the surgeon has to go back in an manipulate the new knee. In between exercises, I received a call from a relative and worked on transportation needs for upcoming events. For 6 weeks I will need to depend on others for rides. Asking for help is not always easy for me, so this is good practice.
For Wednesday, the Physical Therapist will stop by. Would like to work on a book that I am reading, in between knee exercises.
Prayers and good wishes to all of you from Charlottesville! Cindy