Hmm, why is it???
As you can probablly tell from my posts, I am very self reflective and self aware. I analyze everything inside me to understand me. I have noticed over the past few weeks that my personality is emerging more, I have the fluety of words that I once had as young teenager, I have the clarity of mind that had left me. Most importantly is my personality. I do not think I am changing, I think me is being coming to the surface. I have pondered this over and over. Why am I more outgoing, why is my sense of humor resurfacing. I don't think I had hide away or surpressed it before my journey. I think it may have went into remission?
The one thing I can point to is my hormones. I have always suspect I may be PCOS. The term thrown around me by different doctors. I have never been formaly diagnosed with it, but have majority of the classic symptoms. With that being said, when you are overweight the fat cells holds strong onto your estrogen. As the fat is being released and the estrogen is starting to flow freely through my body, I suspect this hormone is bringing me back to the surface. I am not sure, but it is a theory....
I have had similar feelings throughout my journey, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and although most of the "normal" symptoms have disappeared I still have some of the side effects. I analyze EVERYTHING, too. I need to be able to make sense of it. I have always had an outgoing personality but it is more prevaliant now than before surgery and it sure does feel good! I know I am the same person as I was before WLS just now I am more confidant in myself and the way others look at me. I know a good part of that is being around all of my family ehre on OH. You all make me feel comfortable and at east.
I think your observations are pretty on . Our hormones really do change as we go through the weightloss . The one thing you need to watch as most of us do is the depletion of the estrogen.
I had a hysterectomy at 19. I was able to keep on ovary, and it carried me through for my many years after for hormone supplimentation. I lost the ovary 10 years ago and had to go on hormone replacement . I took myself off this about 6 years ago . I then depended on my hormones left in my body . As I lost the weight , the estrogen stores got used up and went out with my fat .
I have since felt a releif of sorts . While I do not suppliment any longer, I can certainly tell the difference in my overall mental processes.
I have heard so often that those women with PCOS that have had WLS- are cured from the PCOS and go on to have children . I know personally of one case where this happend . She lost the weight and all her PCOS symptoms went away .. and boom .. she was pregnant before her 1st year out came around .
I hope your PCOS symptoms go away .. and your good feelings continue as well .
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Thank Nat!! I am sorry about what you had go through at such a young and tender age.
You are right about WLS and PCOS. There are many ladies who have children since WLS, this giving them a new lease on life. I had my children very young and before my symptoms kicked in. So I am grateful. There will be no more children coming from me. After our son was born, I took my husband to the vet and dropped him. He was allowed to come until he finished. But on a serious note, after my son I was diagnosed with a heart condition. The same as Ann. However, mine was directly related to pregnancy. It has resolved itself and I am "normal" agian. But if I have child, I could risk my life. Since I was so prone to getting pregnant, 3 kids in 3 years, my husband made the choice to keep me safe. One day I may have another child. And if that day comes, I will adopt from my husband's home country of Liberia.