Hair loss
About 3 weeks ago, I made a post and stated that my hair looked healthier than ever. Well I spoke too soon. For about 2 weeks it has really started to fall out. I notice it in the shower and when I comb/brush my hair.
Anyone have any suggestions? Is this preventable? I do take my vitamins regularly.
Anyone have any suggestions? Is this preventable? I do take my vitamins regularly.
Besides the "normal" vitamin routine, I take a 1000 mcg Biotin pill once a day. That and I use a Biotin based shampoo about once a week. It might just be me, but I've only had one spell of losing hair since having surgery 2 years ago and that was right after having an additional surgery. Anethesia just does that.
I hope saying a have a nice full head of hair that I get complimented on constantly doesn't come back to bite me in the butt now, hahaha! Good luck!
I hope saying a have a nice full head of hair that I get complimented on constantly doesn't come back to bite me in the butt now, hahaha! Good luck!
At about 3 months my hair started thinning a lot. What worked for me was a combination of 3000 mcg of Biotin daily (still taking it), making sure I was getting all of my protein in and then some, and using Nioxin shampoo & conditioner, recommended by my stylist. I have very fine hair (a lot of it, I am told, but very fine), so when it started falling out, it became noticeable in a few spots. I cut my hair short, followed this regimen, and at about 6 months, new hair growth was very noticeable. My surgeon and my dermatologist both told me that this is very common after a major surgery. I hope this helps! :)