Lauren, you are doing so well! Look how much you have accomplished in such a short time! I have no doubt everything will be perfect! Most of us who use Commonwealth Surgeons in Richmond sometimes have to wait up to 2 weeks for our results if they are normal; usually no more than a few days if something isn't right. Comm Surg is very, very large, so I am sure for smaller groups or solo docs it will be far less time.
Girl, how could he NOT pat you on the back? I was looking at how much weight you've lost - amazing - and I noticed how close you were getting to that goal of yours! (And, btw, I don't think it's silly to want that - no matter how many other people tell you you're doing great - b/c you are - he's still THE DOCTOR. His opinion matters! But I'm sure he's impressed) Let us know how it goes!
Thanks! It's a funny thing about goals. When I started this journey I said I would be happy with 200lbs. But now that I'm so much closer to it and when I reach it, I may set another goal for myself. I haven't determined what that should be yet. Maybe I'll just see what my loss is at the year mark and that will give me a better idea. :)
Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!