My 2 years out anniversary today!
I'd do it again in a heartbeat and have been very lucky to have ZERO complications! I've served as a resource to many others who have had the surgery based on my experience and they are doing well also.
I've stopped losing but I feel great and look OK for an old man of 45. I'm walking 18 holes of golf once or twice a week and I couldn't walk one hole before surgery. I'm fitting into clothes I couldn't fit into while in high school! I'm wearing my two boys' clothes frequently and they can actually wear mine without becoming lost in them!
I've met great people during my journey - most of them on here and other boards. Work has prevented me from attending the last couple of events but I'll be there at them when I can. Nat and I love meeting you guys and taking inspiration for free.
I still troll here frequently but post a lot less. But I'm still here!
Just shouting out and proud of what you all have helped me accomplish!