Looking for a Support Group
Hello! I am looking for a support group in the Ashburn/Sterling/Herndon or surrounding area. Preferrably one that meets more than once per month and has a varied group of WLS'ers (i.e., new people, one year out and many years out). I used to attend a group in Fairfax once per month, but it's a hassle to drive out there.
P.S. This is what's listed on the main site...but there has to be more...right??
Charlottesville ObesityHelp
Elizabeth Bouldin-Clopton Email
Denbigh area
A Brand New Me WLS
Debbie Howard Profile Contact
Bariatric101 Obesityhelp Support Group
3029 Vidalia Court
Every 3rd Saturday
Valerie Campbell Profile Contact
Life Starts Website
1st Thursday of Each Month
John Randolph Hospital
Natalie Carden Profile Contact
Annette Moore Email
Judith Niles Profile Contact

My surgeon's nutritionist runs one, but it's not that frequent (unless you go to both locations). The attendees are varied though.
Reston Hospital - Classroom C
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
7:00 to 8:00 - General Meeting
8:00 to 9:00 - One year out or more
Dates (1st Thursday of the month):
January 4
March 1
May 3
July 5
September 6
November 1
Inova Loudoun Hospital - Conference Room A
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
7:00 to 8:00 - General Meeting
8:00 to 9:00 - One year out or more
Dates (2nd Tuesday of the month):
February 13
April 10
June 12
August 14
October 9
Meetings will be cancelled due to inclimate weather per Fairfax County policies. Clothes exchanges will be held at all meetings. Friends and family welcome.
Hospital addresses and directions will be posted on our website: www.obesitysurgerycenter.net.
There's also an informal group that meets at 10:30a the third Saturday of the month at the Panera that's near the intersection of West Ox Road and Rt. 50. You can ask more about it if you sign up for this yahoo group: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ObesityTransformation/
Christina S

Hey there, Dawn!
Long time no see! You look maavvooolous!!! We have missed seeing you at the Saturday Panera's group meetings. BTW, Our monthly meeting is this Saturday at 10:30 am. We have people who are 4 years out now and below. At least half of us have had plastics by now and share the results in the ladies room! I hope you are doing well!
Good Luck in finding a support group that is closer!
Hey Karen!
You are looking quite fantastic yourself! I have missed you guys too but Saturday mornings in Fairfax just aren't feasible anymore...even though I do need to get back into having a good solid support group. I sure did enjoy watching the trail of ladies head into the restroom, laugh for a while, then head back to the table. LOL! Thanks for your kind note, I appreciate the well wishes.