Drumroll...My new date is...
March 21st!!!!!! I can't believe this - I am so glad that I didn't change surgeons when they told me it was going to be so long before I could have my surgery. I have to go for my pre-op testing tomorrow. Then my education day is Tuesday, March 20th. And surgery will be Wednesday, March 21st at 10:30am. So I have to be at the hospital at 8:30am. This is unbelievable - I am almost there! Thanks for all of your support over the last several months. I don't think I could have gotten here without you guys!

Thanks so much! I know what you mean - I am having such a hard time thinking about anything else - it would be nice to just go to sleep up and wake up next week! I feel like I have a million things to do to get ready now. Yesterday I had 7 weeks to get my business and home in order - now I have one very busy week! But I'm not complaining - I'll take this kind of craziness any day of the week!
Thanks again!

Oh my goodness -that is such excellent news!!!! It is next week!! It will all be over before you know it and you will be "one of us" - I remember how much I wanted to be "one of you" prior to surgery. It was worth sticking all of this out for this! I am so excited for you - I know how much better I feel since I lost almost 100lbs and you can feel that way too pretty soon.