need advise
i had a gastric bypass on june 6 2003. I took off 100 in the first few months. I then developed my blood cancer return and now have to take chemo txs. every 3 months.I am also bipolar and have been on meds that side effect is weight gain. needless to say I have gained half the weight back and am totally bummed. Can you have the surgery twice,or where can I get some help in the diet tips. Karen Varona
Your pouch is a tool. I think if you get back to the basics you may see some success. Protein first, all your vitamins, water, and exercise....I'd start with those basics before I'd explore a revision. Also, you may want to talk to your PCP about your bipolar meds...maybe they can suggest one that doesn't cause weight gain?
Just a few thoughts...hope it helps. I'm sure it's frustrating. You may also want to get involved with a local support group.
Christina S

Hi Karen,
It is unlikley they would do the surgery twice as it is way too dangerous - you may want to get scoped to see if your pouch has changed but it probably hasn't. You do have the disadvantage of drug interaction that may have made you gain weight - perhaps you can ask the doctor about alternative drugs that perhaps do not have that side effect.
The next thing I would advise is to go almost back to the beginning of when you had your surgery and try to eat like that - make sure you take all of your protein, supplements, vitamins and especially water. Stay away from carbs or any bad eating habits you may have gained on the way..... if you try this for a few weeks the weight may start to come off again - you probably have to jump start your system. BUT I would also concentrate on getting well first and getting through the chemo and losing weight as a secondary issue.
My heart goes out to you Karen as you struggle with this. The advice from the others about trying to change your meds and going back to the basics, is what I would have said also. In some cases I know that a revision is possible but I am not sure about the pros/cons, requirements, etc. A talk with your doctors, surgeon, and nutritionist might help. We are here to help. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Oh Karen...
It isn't your surgery, it is your cancer treatments and medications. You need to talk to your doctor about all this. It is most likely medication related. My heart goes out to you. Maybe if he switched your bipolar meds you will continue to lose and pick up where you left off.
Big HUgs,