Friday morning question-what-cha-plans?
Good morning everyone!
What are your plans for this weekend? Anyone doing anything exciting? (Laundry does NOT count as exciting!)
I dont have any exciting plans. I have to work my regular 12 hour shift today. On Saturday I have to work from 7am-1pm (overtime! yea) Then I have to pick up enough pizzas for 7 boys and spend the rest of the day with a bunch of 12 &13 year old boys. I am helping my son's "Destination Imagination" group. They are great kids, but I can think of a few other things that I would rather be doing...
On Sunday, I will go to church and then spend the rest of the day cleaning house, doing laundry and all the other glamorous things that go along with being a wife and a mom.
Have a great day everyone!

I have to say that I think my weekend is a little more excited then yours! My husband is in the Navy and was suppose to be out to sea until the 16th but now he's coming home today!!!!
I'm also going shopping for a new outfit for Sat. it's my friends 40th....
Sunday is a bust, I have to work...
, but Monday is my 19th wedding ann...
still in love....
well I guess that's about it, have a great weekend..... Minette

I am working today until 5, blech. I'm going to a meeting tonight and dinner afterwards. Saturday morning I'll go to another meeting, I need to get some housework done and get my surround sound working. I also have to meet with a client from FACT about the flyers and tickets I'm designing for a charity event in May. I'll be fine tuning that to whatever they want it to look like. Saturday night I'll go to another meeting and dinner with the crew. Sunday, I plan on taking the boy to see the new Penguin exhibit at the Science Museum.
This is actually a pretty tame weekend for me!
Well I have a busy weekend planned. I get my girlies this weekend (well I guess I should say my sweetie gets his girlies this weekend). We have some shopping planned (new shoes, hopefully a new dress for me, and whatever good bargins we can find). Going out to my dad's for dinner with the family and some extended family on Saturday. Sunday is work at my part time job (yuck) and then a quiet family evening.

Now that I think about it, it's going to be a busy weekend for me. I'm a WATCH judge (we judge community theatre productions in the DC/VA/MD) and am judging Seussical at Reston Community Theatre tonight. Tomorrow, and I'm still not quite sure how I got roped into this one, I'm attending an all day scrapbooking/cropping event. Keep in mind that I've never scrapbooked "officially" in my life. I've spent a lot of money in Michael's on scrapbooking 'stuff', but have never really used much of it. but tomorrow is apparently the beginning. I've got my pictures and I'm sure more glue sticks that I'll even need...nothing like jumping into the deep end of the pool to start out! Any suggestions from other folks that do this would be appreciated.
Sunday I've got to make my way to IKEA for a 10am meeting - I work for an insurance company and they've asked to hold a benefit meeting on Sunday for those employees who only work weekends. And, since I'm there, I'm sure I'll browse a bit
I always seem to be able to spend some money there. Then it's home to pack for a week away in Philly for our annual regional training. I get back on Friday and my husband leaves on Sunday for a week's seminar in Santa Clara, CA.
At least we're going on vacation in April - we'll finally get to spend some time together! Have a great weekend evereyone!