Is this normal?
I had surgery Tuesday for lapband. I've had a rough time dealing with dehydration and stomach gas. I haven't bounced back as much as I had hoped to. I sleep alot and try to eat. I don't eat much, maybe still swollen?
I just want to know how long it took others to get back to what they feel was normal?
Maybe I need to have people tell me I'm normal? LOL
This is the toughest time. You have to get your liquids or you will wound up back in the hospital with an IV in your,....arm. You are swollen and doing anything other than liquids or maybe some sugar free (SF) popsicles is onnly going to casue more pain. Walking helps remove the gas,..the good old natural way. (Keep friends in front of you!)
The time will pass quickly. 2-3 weeks you will start feeling human again, with a bit more energry. I had RNY and it was 6-8 weeks before I got my stamina back but I had open surgery which is more involved and devastating to the recovery time than lap RNY or lap-band.
You are doing good. Just hang in there and drink, walk, and sleep,...drink, walk, and sleep. Life is good and its going to get better.

Allison, I had open RNY so I don't have experience with lapband but it all sounds normal to me. You just had surgery a few days ago so sleep is what your body wants in order to heal (anesthia is probably still in your system too). You probaby won't be eating much, make sure to eat light food and chew chew chew. Walking for the gas pains and try and get as much fluid in as you can. Dehydration is no fun if you are already down because of surgery. Keep your head up, it gets better.

I had lap band three weeks ago, and it took me a good week to feel normal - the gas pains were awful, but I found walking was REALLY a good thing, so try to do that as much as you can. I found myself walking laps around my kitchen, I was worried to leave the house in case I got a few blocks away and couldn't make it back.
I went back to work 6 days after surgery, and really by that next weekend was pretty much back to normal. Try to keep drinking your shakes, getting plenty of water, and rest as much as you need. Feeling normal will come back, I promise.

You are perfectly normal. I remember posting to the boards because I thought I would never bounce back, but over time and lots of patience I did. Our bodies are going through an adjustment and just need some time. Try to walk around as much as you can, that helps majorily with the gas pain, as well as invest in a good hot pad. Getting the liquids in is a bit harder, but just do your best. It will get better. I would say it took me about a week before I started feeling better. After that each day got better. Smile!