Oprah show on cross addictions to Air again today!
The Oprah show regarding WLS and Cross Addictions is being re-broadcast today with Carney Wilson and others. If you missed it the first time it ran, you won't want to miss it. Set your recorders! Also, check the Message Board on her website after the show and read the posts. It will amaze you and break your heart. According to the show, 30% of all WLSers cross addict, including me. This is very important.
Let me know what you think after you see the show.
I saw it the first time around and it served to get my annoyed because she is so against WLS surgery. While I agree many people do swap one addiction for another, every alcoholic, drug addict and shopping addict did not have WLS. So there are other factors in there so I think her show is biased..... BUT if you did not see it the first time around please watch it and develop your own opinion....