Hi Melinda!
My days seem crazy around here. With working OT, Dylan's basketball, Casey's DI compitition, nieces & nephews' bithday parties, choir practice and practicing my flute for church, (not to mention, all the other daily activities that go on as usual) I dont seem to have time to catch my breath. Although, I have been checking in everyday. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Take care!!!

I remember that things got kind of slow on the board last year in winter also. Maybe it is a combination of the seasonal thing, not a lot going on, and the loss of some of our wonderful members.
Things have been crazy here. Got a new staff memeber at my job so this week has been busy busy trying to get him trained and settled in. Life at home is always crazy. I am getting ready to enter the busy family time. March thru December is really busy in my family with birthdays, holidays, etc. At least now I have finally gotten my energy back and feel like I can function normally. As long as I remember not to over do it and get my rest I should be ok.
I am definielty ready for some warmer weather.