FFP's next Meet N Greet
Okay FFPers...I am making Melinda sit back and relax this go around. We are scheduling this month's meet n greet. We are going to change it up a bit and have it in Harrisonburg, Va. That's an hour from Cville for those who are familiar with that area.
Here are the details:
When: 3-24-07 (SATURDAY)
Where: Wood Grill in Harrisonburg, Va
Time: 12noon
Agenda: LOTS OF FUN!!!!
Please send me an email at [email protected] (or through this page) and let me know if you can make it! I look forward to seeing you guys and i hope to see some new faces.
To get more directions on where exactly this is, email me and tell me where you are coming from and I can get them to you.
I am checking in on seeing if they take our gastric cards, I will update on that.
I hope everyone has had a successful day! GOD BLESS~~Stacey
OK our little flat tummy friend. Count me in. Put me down for a guest also. It's great for you to take this on. I'll be glad to see everyone again . . . and maybe even get the the Mall (which by the way I've only been to one time at it's Grand Opening a hundred years ago . . . and I've lived here my whole life). Is that a crime or WHAT??
Have a great day !!