My inner thigh lift...
My inner thigh lift went better than I expected. My doctor really thought he was going to have to cut down my leg along with the groin incisions to get all the lax skin. Once he got into the surgery he was able to get most all of it WITHOUT the cut down the leg. The original mark is still down the middle of my inner thigh to where he was going to cut down. I told him to do what he needed to do to get rid of the excess skin. I was sooooooooooooooo thrilled when they told me they didn't cut down !! It looks great. I probably have a hundred staples between my legs right now..and I can't sit down but I know it will all be worth it soon. I'll get pictures up in the next day or so from all my procedures.
Hope everyone is doing well on his or her journey !! All the updated pictures and profiles look great.

Hi Sheila,
Dr Siegel in Chesapeake did my surgeries. He did a breast lift and augmentation on December 27th of last year, then a lateral thighplasty and buttock lift on January 17th, and then the medial thighplasty on March 2nd. He also did an abdominaplasty with muscle repair on me back in 2002 which stayed in good shape even after a term pregnancy and weight gain. He is an awesome plastic surgeon and has great staff. I have always been very pleased with his work.

Dana, I am so glad that you are satisfied. I know this one was worring you. The drive to Lake Gaston was a bust. The one camp ground resembled a trailer park. The other one didn't have tent sites. The owners of the second one said that they are trying to do away with the campgrounds ob Lake Gaston to put homes and condos. So now we don't know where we are going camping. We went to Chicahominy River front park last year and we might end up there again. Talk to you later.