Back Again from Tampa!
I have been away all last week on business in Tampa, Florida and this weekend celebrated my 50th birthday with a party and friends who stayed over from New York. I had very limited access to email and the boards. So now I am trying to get back into the swing of things again and catching up on all of the posts.... so I will be making responses over the next couple of days.
I am dismayed at the number of people who are being moderated or have been TOSed off of the boards without much of an explanation or for belonging to other boards. These are long term members and have very valuable advice, insiht, knowledge and experience. We surely have the freedom to belong to any boards that we choose - that does not violate TOS rules - furthermore we are entitled to have opinions about subjects - that is what a board is all about. I realise this is a free board and we do not pay for it but if everyone with an opinion and experience starts disappearing off of it the Virginia Board will die. I beg those who are doing the TOSing to think again before taking such actions.
Happy Belated Jackie! I'm glad you had a good time celebrating!
You're absolutely right about it being sad that the moderators are picking off long-term members of this board. I've made MANY valuable life-long friendships as a direct result of these boards, and its sad that some may never have the opportunity to meet these wonderful people, and share in the wealth of knowledge the long-term post-ops will have to offer... truly SAD!