how to travel with protein?
Hey VA fellas,
I have a dilema, or at least I think I do. I will be travelling to Puerto Rico sunday for work and don't know how I should pack my protein, as well as what I should take with me. The protein that I buy is in a very big container, and well, it would take up my entire suitcase. Any suggestions on how I should pack the white powder? I don't want to be questioned during security, even though Im checking it in. Also, what other snacks should I pack? I haven't told anyone one at work, so Im really stressing how I will approach the group lunches. I need help. Thanks
I was going to suggest you get the vials from IDS or Profect. I've traveled very successfully with those. I also took some Unjury with me in powder form, but they came individually packaged so it was clear what they were.
I like Lois' idea of calling the airline to see what they suggest. Of course, you could always put some into a smaller container and hope for the best....risky though.
As for the group lunches and your co-workers....I had a organized a group lunch recently and in the interest of the group ordered food that was risky for me (
alert). SO, I didn't eat....someone asked why and I just said "I usually eat later and have planned for that". could say something to the effect of "I'm not that hungry right now, but thanks for being concerned." Of course, there is always the "you worry about your food, I'll worry about mine" approach too.
I think you'll be fine. You may want to try to take a protein bar or something like that too....just in case.
Christina S

I used the vials when I flew and didn't have any problems. Take enough for the days you will be gone and maybe a couple of extras in case you do have issues with the group meals, you will have protein. Protein bars, nuts, beef jerky are good packable snacks. As for the lunches, the best I can say is plan to not eat in the group setting unless is it something you brought. Good luck.

Hi Moni,
I think it is way too risky to travel with unidentified powder - you risk them confiscating them and having no protein powder. You could used the IDS vials or take Unjury - you still have time to order Unjury packets - Group lunches should not be all that bad - they usually provide some kind of meat or cheese and salad etc as well as an assortment of other things. But if there really is nothing you can eat you can tell them you had a huge breakfast and are not hungry or that you usually eat later and so are not hungry. But don't let yourself get too hungry though or you will mke bad choices. String cheese, nuts and even protein bars are good substitutes when hungry. Hope this helps...
I have tried chocolate - which I use to make protein balls - and I use the unflavored but you will need a mixer to mix that into food - also the chicken broth is nice too - just don't make it too hot. Unjury is one of the more expensive protein shakes but it is very good - I have a friend who loves the chocolate - says it is just like a chocolate milk shake. You can use milk to mix them too but you would be better off using water as milk has a lot of sugar in it - no matter which kind of milk you use, the sugar content is almost the same.
Make sure you tell Unjuty your order is urgent and that you need it by Friday....
I have been traveling since 1 month out and have never had a problem.
1. Do you wear a medic alert bracelet? If not get one and have it engraved with Lap Band. If you are Diabetic -- put that on it too. Even if you don't have to take meds anymore.
2. Go to website and print it out. Highlight the areas that say you CAN TAKE protein and water through security. Make sure that you take that with your boarding pass to the security line
3. When you get to the security line, tell the TSA person that you want a "VISUAL INSPECTION." When they ask you why-- say that you have medical items that require a visual inspection. I take 1-2 16 oz water bottles and freeze them and put them in a softsided lunch bag along with my small containers of cottage cheese, or yogurt, cheese, sometimes tuna salad. I carry my prescription meds in a ziploc bag and present that for inspection too. I carry 3-4 of the liquid IDS and that goes through too. I tell them I am Diabetic and have had stomach surgery ( I don't say WLS) and hand them the TSA guidance that says I CAN HAVE THESE ITEMS. I don't get pushy cuz the fact that I have the guidance in my hand does it every time for me. I even carry a 32 oz bottle of water to drink. If they ask you for a prescription from a doctor for these items -- politely ask them to show you where in their guidance (which is in your hand with your boarding pass) that is required. I do carry an old prescription of Diabetic med to also reinforce this. That and the bracelet will do it.
As to what to eat with your group. If the meeting is in the office, bring your won lunch and be honest and say you are watching what you eat -- or "I have so many darn food allergies that it's just easier for me to bring my own if I'm not sure what is being served." If it is a restaurant, order something you can eat. If it is from the appetizer menu that's even better. If you have to order from the regular menu you can either just order something and eat what you can and leave the rest or I usually have no problem saying "Is anyone interested in sharing a meal -- they serve such large portions here." If no one wants to share a meal, when I was a newbie I looked for a crabmeat or shrimp ****tail or hearty soup. If I had to order from the menu, I looked for a piece of fish.
You don't have to feel that you have to make excuses -- if someone comments just say "This is all I want today." If you are feeling fiesty you can add "I don't know how YOU can eat ALL that!"
Safe Travels