Waiting for approval &Feeling fustrated
Hi This is my first time posting.
I met With Dr. Anez for the first time a year ago and was denied by my insurance.
I have been jumping Thur hoops for a year now following all that they have asked me to do. I had my nutrition consult with Sally at Dr. Anezs office a month ago and she took all my new info to submit to my insurance again and I am still waiting to hear back. Does anyone know what might be taking so long? I am feeling so anxious to get this over with and get on with my life. I feel it is occupying my every thought and concern.
My insurance company is Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL.
I have been reading up on all you Va. Ladies You have some wonderful stories that have given me lots of encouragement and hope. Thank You!
I look forward to making some new friends.

I agree with Courtney. Hang in there. The insurance company is probably hoping you'll give up so they won't have to pay for it, don't let them win! When it's your time it'll happen. Sally and the others in the office know what they're doing and will work for the best outcome for you.
I know it took a few weeks for me to hear back regarding my approval....maybe since you were denied once before yours is taking longer. The insurance companies don't usually take into consideration that a human being with real feeling and anxieties are on the other end WAITING to hear from them!
Keep posting....we're here for ya!
Christina S

Thanks Christina,
Dr.Anez's office is so great! Its the Insurance company I am feeling my frustration with.
I want this so bad! I feel like my life is passing by while I am on the side lines.
I am so ready to jump in and be a player again.
Listen closely cause when I get the call to say I am approved You will be able to hear my scream of joy.