Home from the hospital.
I had my surgery on tuesday the 27th. I was so NOT expecting the pain i was in! I read that a lot of people feel like they did a lot of sit ups...but mine was horrible! I think i have a VERY LOW pain tolerance. But i didnt want to leave the hospital...I cried...well more like screamed every second. I felt so bad for my boyfriend. The liquid vicodin did and still does NOTHING!! this gas pain is soooooooo bad! But im tryin to hang in there...hopefully things will get better! I just wasnt expecting pain like this! but hope to see you guys soon!
Jorden, hang in there hon. It will go away and things definitely do get better!! I am one month post op and I have lost 28lbs since surgery and I feel betternow then I have in about 6 years. Just hang in there it does get better. Praying that your pain goes away soon.
Big (((hugs))) coming your way!!
i had open rny almost 4 years ago and i remember it like yesterday i begged to stay in icu, everytime they moved me i thought i was splitting open,not to mention i had 39 staples!! the pain sent me into a depression and brought back my panic attacks, it was traumatic for me im serious. it took over 3 months for me to get my self together again. also i found out morphine doesnt work at all for me. and i didnt know that. i didnt now anything about pain medicines then, i know more now. and ill never get that again. ive had a lot of surgeries and thing happen but nothing compares to my open rny. dont let it get you down though. if one thing doesnt help make them give you something else, especially something to help you sleep at night like ambien. i didnt now about it then, just dont suffer like i did!! good luck and i hope you feel better soon!! HANG IN THERE! shelly
Hey Jorden,
It's so good that you are home and your surgery was uneventful. I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with pain. Just keep in mind that EVERYONE is different in their recovery. Talk to your surgeon about pain management. Find out if there is other meds you can try. I hope that this passes fast. Remember to walk if at all posisble. I just made laps around the livingroom and kitchen my first week home. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are coming along with the pain. Here's to a speedy recovery.

Hey Jorden, I'm so glad to hear you're alive and somewhat well. I hope you're feeling better by now. It was tough for me as well. I had so much gas built up inside that I was in constant pain, I just walked my butt off and within a week I felt better. Just keep taking your pain killer regularly and don't let it get out of hand. Call me if you need anything!!!
Hey Jorden,
I hope by now you are feeling better. Drop me a line at [email protected]