I'm headed out the Door
My dear friends, It pains me to have to say goodbye for awhile. I've decided that OH is not the place that it once was and have decided to move on to greener pastures. If you would still like to stay in contact with me. Please send me you're email. MY eamil is [email protected]. I've made wonderful friends here and will miss coming here on a daily basis but I have to move on. If you email me, I will let you know where you can find me. I am also on myspace
WOW this is totally getting out of hand!!! I just cant believe the good people and those who were always here and very inspirational to me and so many others have left or been booted and this is just not fair tothose of us *****lied on these people for support. What can we do to change this problem? What do we all do who will miss all of you? Ive thought about this all night and I dont see the problem having 2 or 3 different locations to go to for support???? We will miss you all and maybe soon one of you very smart and intelegent persons will make the changes for the good here.
Alot are angry and in the dark and feel the same as I do CONFUSSED......