HR OH'ers!
Hey Ladies,
It was a pleasure meeting all of you last night. I'm sorry that the other ladies couldn't make it, but our group was perfect! I actually learned a lot more about what we go through and made new friends at the same time. I really hope that we can do it again every month (at least) and we should just get together randomly anything (if your schedule allows it).
I want to wish Dana good luck on her surgery Friday and Robin's is right around the corner! Minette & Christine (your woman!, haha!) thank you for dinner, that was very sweet. Corrin, you're either very quiet or we just don't shut up!!! Robin, you look uncannily like my surgeon's nurse, Missy, who is sooo cool! You're going to be a knockout! Dana, I think I know more about my body and YOURS now. Love it!!!
I made $160.00 when I got home last night, that lady bought up all my business suits! It couldn't have been a better ending to a great day for me.
Thanks Guys,
We'll get to working on the next date soon!
I had such a great time last night meeting you girls! It's nice to see the progress of other RNY patients. :gossip I would love to meet up as often as possible. Dana good luck with Friday.
Robin good luck next month, it will fly by!!!!!
Amber thanks for getting us all together.
Corrin, good luck with all your weight loss.
Well hope to see you all soon!

Hi Amber,
I had so much fun with all of you guys! I'll tell you one thing - the pictures that you all have posted on OH don't do you justice! What an attractive group of women, and to top it all off - ya'll are super nice and fun too!
I can't wait 'til we all get together again!
Dana, good luck Friday - I'll be thinking about you. And for gosh sakes - quit lifting up your dress in parking lots - you could have caused a wreck
! Just kidding! I hope you get the results you are looking for on Friday!
Amber, I can't believe you made $160 off your old clothes. That is awesome. I guess I know what you'll be doing this weekend - SHOP UNTIL YOU DROP! I had no idea that you are so TALL!! I want to hear more about what are doing to take the weight off - maybe it's all of those green beans!
Minette and Christine - ya'll are too funny! I hope to be a "girlfriend" too one day!
Corinn, your before and after pics were so inspiring. I can't wait to be as far out as you are! You are looking super!
Corinn - you are doing so well in such a short time. I think you better update your avatar. You look nothing like your picture any more!
Thanks for taking the time out your busy lives to get together, ladies. I can't wait until we can do it again!