FFP Meeting in Charlottesville
Thank you Melinda
for organizing everything! I just love this group! Jon and I don't go to any other support groups...so we look forward to this each month! I am looking forward to seeing our group grow...and I know it will!
It was great seeing everyone again!...and it will be great getting to know everyone even better through our newsletter, etc... I am working on a form for our member spotlight...and the newsletter. Everyone please send me your pictures for the newsletter for March! Since it's been snowing here since around 3am - I will probably be in the house all day. I have to check at 6am to see if we are having church or not... that's when they post it on the website and news, etc.
If you do have to go out today - please be safe!

Good morning Jill ! Wasn't it a blast ?? I also love to get together with the group.
My son Nickolas talked all the way home about Jon. Tell him he has a new admirer. Tell him Nickolas isn't going to forget about the ride he promised him. First thing he did when he got home was tell Jordan and McKenzie. Now their all stoked!
I'm so excited about your book. What a admirable undertaking. I'll try to send you anything I think anyone might be remotely interested in.
You are a true inspiration to me. Have a great day.
Love, Jennifer
Jill - for some reason I am not able to post this message!! I don't know why. I'll try it this way. Okay, big disclaimer - I am not sure this is going to work. Can someone please let me know!! When I look it looks okay. Anyway, here are some pictures.
I had so much fun yesterday, and thank you Melinda for organizing this. It is always great to get together with this group. And I loved meeting new people. And it's so nice talking with pre-ops like Dawn and seeing her excitement and knowing what lies ahead for her. What a ride!! Like Dave C told me 'hang on for the ride of your life'. And that is so true. And Dawn, what a sweet supportive hubby you have!! That makes this journey so much easier.
Anyway, nice nice time yesterday. Everyone looked fantastic. So many beautiful and handsome faces! And as usual, I enjoyed the nice ride out there.

Jill - for some reason I am not able to post this message!! I don't know why. I'll try it this way. Okay, big disclaimer - I am not sure this is going to work. Can someone please let me know!! When I look it looks okay. Anyway, here are some pictures.
I had so much fun yesterday, and thank you Melinda for organizing this. It is always great to get together with this group. And I loved meeting new people. And it's so nice talking with pre-ops like Dawn and seeing her excitement and knowing what lies ahead for her. What a ride!! Like Dave C told me 'hang on for the ride of your life'. And that is so true. And Dawn, what a sweet supportive hubby you have!! That makes this journey so much easier.
Anyway, nice nice time yesterday. Everyone looked fantastic. So many beautiful and handsome faces! And as usual, I enjoyed the nice ride out there.