Today is my one-year anniversary !!!!!! I weighed in at a whopping 296 lbs... And I was a size 24. Now one year ago I am (some days) 168 - 171 lbs. I have lost about 125 lbs. Im in a comfortable size 10 maybe could do 8 but that might be pushing it! But anyways im soooo happy I have done this and met many new people and became friends with many, and I have recruited a couple of people to get this done! Anyways back to work! Thank you everyone who has help and who I have helped!
Congrats Cheryl! You've done marvelous. Keep pushing those 8's because with vanity sizing out there I've even managing to squeeze in some 6's and even a 4 on an occassion! As for recruiting, I have to say I stopped recruiting people for GB surgery and now carry a stack of my Plastic surgeon's cards with me, maybe he will cut me a discount next time!