One Year Surgiversary!!!
Hey Donna,
This year has gone tremendously fast that is true!! I have also learned so much from you too Donna and am so thankful to have gotten to know you..... I have also developed so many new friendships thanks to this surgery - this is a great community and I am glad to be a part of it!!
I am determined to get off some more lbs so thank you for your encouragement and love!! I truly treasure it......
love you!
Oh my! You said exactly what I feel. I want to be "one of you" and actually win at losing.
Jackie, you and the other girls have given me so much insight and motivation. I'm not sure when my 'date' is yet;-I should find out March 8th-but I already have developed better habits. I take my vitamins FAITHFULLY and I started drinking protein shakes. Now I have gotten used to sipping instead of gulping and feeling unsatisfied.
I don't have little ones any more but I sure look forward to being more active with my hubby.

You are doing great Jennifer if you can do all of this now - another big thing that os good to do is to practise not drinking with meals right now. That is a hard one to overcome and they say it takes 3 weeks to develop a new habit - so that is one of the hardest. But the more you can do now the easier it will be after surgery...
Right after surgery you will feel so full so quickly you will hardly eat anything - but that does change as time goes on....
You are doing well to prepare for surgery and soon you wil be "one if us" - and loving it!!
Take care
Wow, Jackie, I am so inspired by you! You are such a good example for all of us! I hope to be making your kind of progress by my Sergiversary! More than anything ,you have proven that staying in touch with your peers and going to a support group really helps to stay on track. It's great for me to have your support when I am struggling through those plateau times and discouraged! You have such a practical level head and always offer well thought out advice!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I can't stress enough how I feel about going to support groups and continuing to talk and learn from everyone. I go to 3 support groups per month, most months and I get something different from each one of them. I also struggle with plateaus but I know to keep hanging on in there and eventually I will break through - even if it is just a couple of lbs a month.... the alternative is to gain it and NO THANK YOU!!!
I try hard to help and advise other swhere I can because I have been where they were and people were all very kind and patient with me when I was starting out and asked a hundred questions a day lol!!
I am sure you are going to keep doing well - this board is a tremendous source of support and friendship!
1 year already! You have much to be proud of. You have accomplished alot in 1 year -- 97 pounds is awesome (Wish I could do that). Now you are taking on a leadership role as well. The folks in your support group should consider themselves lucky to have you and Sue.
I have really enjoy getting to know you. Our trip to Lexington was so much fun. You always have something kind and encouraging to say to folks on the boards.
Thank you Cathy!! I wish I could be of more help to you as you struggle to lose more
but I know if you really want to you can do this! I enjoy our support group as I learn from everyone and we hope we can help them too.
Lexington was a blast and I learned a lot from that trip! The fancy dress party in the evening was a lot of fun too!